Ciao beautiful ,
I’m back from Italy and wanted to share a quick video module from the Gutsy Breakthrough to Success program, to support your gutsy moves and advancement. Please excuse the slight shakiness. The airline lost all of my luggage and so I had to record without a tri-pod, But isn’t that how life works? Nothing is ever perfect. Life throws us curve balls where we can sometimes be left feeling powerless and let down. Gutsy leadership teaches you how to embrace these imperfections for what they are – no more than trials and always opportunities; opportunities to step up into your fullest potential. So rather than get upset or disappointed, step back and ask yourself, “what am I being called to learn here? How can I grow from this situation or difficult person and align with what I’m ready for, right now?”
I invite you watch the video above where I share how to accelerate a breakthrough goal immediately (like right now!). I also share my personal breakthrough goal and how I am very much my own student of the work that I teach. In  fact, if you expect others to get results from working with you, then you will have to ask yourself how you are your own student too. Your clients, peers, patients, management, prospects (whomever you need to lead right now) will only go as far as you take them. So you will have to grow if you want others to follow your lead and trust you. That’s how it works. It can be scary I get it, but exciting as well in a gutsy living state of mind.  ; )

Ready to Accelerate?

In a new Gutsy Breakthrough to Success program, I step you through the same system which worked for me and so many others whether it be a personal or professional goal you have. This is about your spirit and what you need right now to find joy, balance, freedom and more time for the things you love. I’m carefully selecting students who are ready for this work.

Apply here,complete this form and send on to

big squeeze,