How to Accelerate in your Career with Guts, Grace and Influence
A Complimentary Gutsy Leadership Podcast
Take a non-negotiable approach to leading without permission. Gutsy Leadership - it's a mindset thing.
Former Wall Street Executive, CEO of and The Gutsy Leadership™ System - Marisa Santoro

An content-rich power-hour featuring guest speaker and Wall Street IT Director Annette Stewart. Learn to let go of the "freeze factor" which can show up in key conversations. How do you reroute when things don't pan out exactly as planned? This podcast deep dives into these topics as well introduces energy and spiritual approaches to designing the career you want not often talked about yet essential to your success at anything you try to achieve. In this podcast, we also talk about fear and how it shows up inevitably especially when asking for support. How do you ask for the YES? What key things can you do right away to get that YES when you're feeling a NO or worse (eeek!) radio silence? We encourage you to take lots of notes from this recording, listen to it again and again and act on anything intuitively which comes up for you which you can CHANGE right now. Annette and I swap personal stories of how we have personally and professionally made changes in our lives. We also cover self-promotion and how to be your biggest brand ambassador especially as a low-key or introverted professional. Leverage this podcast to jump start your own gutsy moves and learn how Gutsy Leadership is changing the way women do business.

See What Others are Saying Who Have "Gone Gutsy"
Thank you for your inspiring program!: “Find Your Voice: Speaking Without Apology”! In just two hours, your valuable advice had me make the mental shift to perceiving my value as being equal to those I work and build my confidence. Your message truly resonated and instantly motivated me to apply your tools immediately. I started rethinking how I phrase my emails at work, and I have been catching myself before I use words which have been minimizing me. Since this program, I have also been actively pushing myself to speak my views at meetings to be heard, and it felt great. These simple tweaks have been effective in building my confidence this past week and I already see a positive change in how my colleagues have responded!
Reema Albahri, Civil Engineer HAKS
Since working with Marisa as my business coach, I am more confident within myself , in my business and all the skills which I bring to the table and now have an increased client base. I have established a clear schedule and system with my work. She has guided me in establishing my own coaching programmes which at one time seemed impossible. Marisa is not only passionate about what she does, she is extremely enthusiastic about helping women in what they have set out to do; she listens and understands your business and caters to your needs which makes it so enjoyable working with her. She is full of knowledge and wisdom in vast areas in business.
Harriet Khataba, London Her Story Matters
Marisa helped me bring out my inner leader I always knew was there, but felt stuck. I feel I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Putting my authority into words and on paper was a struggle. I always felt like I was asking a favor when I needed to hold people accountable for their deliverables. My language is now more authoritative and directional with improved results. Her guidance has helped me not only create a plan to obtain my dream job but continue to take the steps towards making it a reality.
Marisa, when I sat in the room with you, I felt such positive energy. I felt I wasn’t the only woman who has experienced that “lowest rank on the totem pole” feeling. I felt like I could conquer all of the insignificant feelings I experience at work. I am so empowered! I put the “gutsy word strategy” into play the day after your seminar and WOW did it make a difference in next steps for my team. I am working on my Gutsy Freedom Form and can’t wait to join the school! Thank you!Yolanda Padilla Project Manager, Healthcare
I work in an industry that is not always the easiest to obtain a job if you are not being referred, and is extremely competitive. I knew I needed to step up my game to catch the attention of recruiters to stay in the 100k salary range. I had the awesome opportunity to meet Marisa at a business event in Stanford, CT. Once she told me about her company, In Our Shoes, I knew I had to work with her. Marisa’s unique ability to prepare you for those 6-figure positions, resume format, style is paralleling. Within a week of submitting my resume, I was receiving emails and calls for interviews! Thank you Marisa for your brilliance and the endless encouraging talks which prepared me for where I am today.
Dora Raine-Islamovic, Atlanta
I am an entrepreneur who needed an accountability coach who truly understood my business goals. Marisa is passionate and driven to make you succeed! She is confident, focused and has exceptional leadership skills. Marisa exceeded my expectations and continued to follow up even after our coaching sessions. I would highly recommend her and would further the conversation by telephone for any additional questions! +914.325.1528
Joann Wasserman, New York City Town Residential
I was hand-picked my Apple in 3 weeks, flown out to their headquarters in California for an interview! I used all of her suggestions, developed my resume and signature speech for the phone and in-person interviews all based on her approach and followed her tools exactly. This was all-new information to me! Her system for helping me raise my confidence and potential worked like a charm. I feel like a million bucks. I was able to incorporate so many parts of her Gutsy Leadership System into my career while still being very authentic and true to myself. If you’re looking to get out there bigger, feel empowered in your career and personal life and get visible quickly, you’ve got to get a copy of her self-study program or sit down with her, today.
Kara Kent, White Plains
After attending your seminar, the advice and tools you delivered in just two hours was life changing for me. It will not only accelerate my career but help my clients as well. Thank you!
Lisa Rubinstein Entrepreneur, NYC