Breakthrough From Fear to Action.
Accelerate One Career Goal and Give it Some Legs.
Get Unstuck. Be Visible. Build Momentum. Stay the Course with a Deliberate Plan of Action.
Led by former Wall St. executive and Gutsy Career Coach, Marisa Santoro

- Choose a Sprint
- Take Daily Action
- Join 3 Live Calls
Feeling stagnant in your career with some anxiety about the future? If there was a sense of detachment before, this shift in working remotely may feel even more isolating. Has negative self-talk begun chiming in your ear again? For many professionals, these past few months have shined the light on their career goals, fully knowing they are meant to do impactful work that is valued. If a lack of appreciation and respect has only worsened while time pressures remain where they are, then this is your opportunity to make a positive impact and be seen as a passionate leader who is wired to learn and grow. Someone who can lead and also be led.
This 21-day challenge was created to share your expertise and be seen in a bigger way, leveraging your business relationships (yes, especially online!). If you’re feeling it in your gut that it’s time to turn up the volume in your career, don’t think, just go. Go with your gut, trusting an external resource. There’s a cost to taking a ‘wait and see’ approach, losing precious time. Join us at Gutsy Leadership Academy where you’ll receive your action plan of activities across your chosen sprint(s) along with three motivational live calls to keep you moving, building momentum. You're not alone, there are many professionals in your shoes, and we’ve got your back. The 21-Day Challenge starts June 1st – save your seat! *International conference lines sent, we’ve got you covered! 😊
To your gutsy moves, you’ve GOT this!
Leading with your Gut drives how quickly you see results.
Not feeling valued for your expertise? Burn out is your new normal? Silence the inner crow from feeling stale and stagnant and building more self-doubt. Clear the decks and commit to just 21-days of ACTION to change how you are perceived as a leader in your field. Uncertain times is when change happens. Now’s the time to leverage relationships. There’s a cost to taking a ‘wait and see’ approach when you’re someone who is wired to learn and grow. With a consistent no-excuses approach, fast-path a gutsy career goal that’s been lingering with external support you can trust! Next challenge begins June 1, 2020!
$97 (for you and a guest)
To register by phone, or have questions, please contact us at +1.844.626.3410 or e-mail
So what's this 21-Day Challenge really all about? Play welcome greeting below!
Here's how it works:
Complete your Gutsy Freedom Form and share a breakthrough goal that you want to get started on RIGHT away.
Choose your SPRINT from one or more of the following growth areas:
Receive an ACTIONABLE work plan of items to complete.
Take consistent action on at least 21 days of the month gaining momentum immediately.
Join 3 live one-hour ACCOUNTABILITY calls each week to share progress and remain motivated. In place of first names, we use words of inspiration such as Freedom, Resilience, Strength. Words that we want to feel on a daily basis.
Important! Share your commitments with family and friends to get your energy out there. Ready when you are, join us now!

"By 'guts' I mean grace under pressure." - Ernest Hemingway
"You can go gutsy with quiet confidence or be the cowgirl in the room, this is about leading authentically and making yourself memorable to reach your end-game." – Marisa Santoro, TEDx speaker, “Woman of Influence” honoree by American Business Journals, former IT Executive on Wall Street, CEO and founder of In Our Shoes and Gutsy Leadership Academy.
ABOUT Gutsy Leadership Academy
MEET Marisa Santoro