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Breakthrough from Fear to Action


Address the fear or anxiety you currently have around speaking in front of others or simply having the needed conversations with prospects, clients, managers. Reprogram your limiting beliefs to take consistent action towards your breakthrough goals. Lean into feeling comfortable, owning your authority and speaking powerfully because you will have removed the fears around being that public speaking subject matter expert. Confront your fears through a series of step-by-step proven tools to unlock them and embrace a positive expected outcome given any situation you currently have anxiety around.

Training Videos:

Take ACTION in spite of fear.

In the below video you will recognize how you are filtering out opportunities, resources and people which can support your breakthrough goal. Once you become aware of them you will never miss them again. This walks through an example based on Perceptual filters.

Next you will be guided through two Skyscraper visualizations. There will be a set of questions in the worksheet included in this module called "Guided Visualization Review". Lean into these and discover how you reacted the second time with that visualization. How does this apply to your own life where there are ways in which fear may be preventing you from taking action towards your breakthrough goal?  Enjoy!

Behind the Scenes with Marisa Santoro

Our mind is a powerful muscle. You can dream in color or black and white, it doesn't matter. It sees the pictures that you give it and will work tirelessly until it achieves what it's looking at regularly. Let's say you want to quit smoking. If you told yourself you would no longer smoke cigarettes and had a photo of a box of cigarettes with a big red slash through it, your mind would continue to think cigarettes! This is the constant image in its mind. If you were speaking to a group of people and asked everyone to please not think of elephants, what do you suppose they will think of immediately after hearing that statement?  You guessed it, elephants! I want you to consider your mind to be a 7-year old child. The words, and images you present to your mind, need to be as simple as a 7-year old would understand, otherwise it's too cloudy or complicated. 🙂 You want to nurture imagery to feed your mind in a way that makes you feel good, which in turn  leaves little room for fears. Personally I don't believe fears ever really go away. I do believe however, that they are placed there deliberately so we can grow. We know a lot about fear in this generation. Following these exercises here should have you embrace your fears until you reach your desired outcome. Speak to fear as if they are in the room with you. Speak your fears to those who support your success. You will automatically strip their hold on you by the simple act of calling them out. In other words name your fears so you can kick them to the curb.