Reignite and Elevate your Career

Stand Out with High Visibility and Unshakable Confidence

Own Your Value. Increase your IMPACT and INCOME

YES! I'm ready to fast-track my career and discover my Gutsy Moves in the Own your Authority Deep Dive!

Crucial career guidance, weekly action plans, accountability, encouragement and motivation to help you remain marketable and stay committed to the next chapter of your career.

Women's Leadership Keynote Speaker
Women's Leadership Keynote Speaker
Women's Leadership Keynote Speaker
Women's Leadership Keynote Speaker
Women's Leadership Keynote Speaker
Women's Leadership Keynote Speaker

Where are you now and where do you want to be?

Whether you want to rise to a new role, title or income levelor make a career transition excited about the next chapter of your career—I've been in your shoes. You're ready to do work that you feel passionate about and challenged by. Own and clearly communicate your core strengths, leadership competencies and transferable skills, commanding a presence which keeps you marketable.

Command respect with recognition learning the navigational path to remain marketable by building a leadership brand which you can confidently own and communicate with crystal clarity.

How does the program work?

Step-By-Step Milestones to Accelerate.

Jumpstart your journey with the your Master Your Mental Game module. Gain new ways of thinking about your growth. Walk through each milestone of the program, learn how to market your leadership competencies and transferable skills.  Hear personal stories based on real work scenarios. Leverage assets that you are not communicating as unique selling points. Use presentation and 'meet and greet' techniques that demonstrate your expertise upon first introduction, making a strong impression that sells your impact, i.e. VALUE of your work.

Gutsy Q&A Calls. Weekly Accountability.

Stay the course with your commitments. Have a question or facing a career challenge? Ask for the support you need. Pick 3 Q&A calls scheduled each month to take action and implement with support. These calls will invite you to discover your gutsy moves and advocate for yourself highlighting area you may not be seeing for yourself. Make the connections you need, prepare for a key meeting, interview or presentation using the strategies discussed. Receive extra accountability and a 'gutsy nudge'  every Sunday to stay  committed to your next steps.

Action Guide Workbooks 

Receive downloadable workbooks and action guides covering each module with prompts to stay the course with your goals. Includes: checklists, scripts for difficult conversations, templates, speaker sheets, cheat sheets and more. Steadily and consistently implement with course content, assignments,  and progress milestones.

Stay the course, take the program again.

Go deeper in the program with a guided walkthrough of all training and Q&A call recaps.  Often when we digest learning again, we hear new things and reflect on new strategies and opportunities we can act on. Enjoy weekly motivation and accountability whenever you want to "start the clock".

Lifetime access. Updated material as the course expands to meet changing needs.

Gain all access to downloadable course materials, module replays and downloadable workbooks. Replay lesson modules and class discussions and gain 'behind the scenes' insights for each topic. Enjoy action guide workbooks and future updates as they are published. 

Personal Emotional Intelligence (Agile EQ) Assessment

Learn the instinctive mindsets that shape your responses and interactions, recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to you, and gain actionable strategies to become more agile in your approach to social and emotional situations in a 26-page personalized EQ assessment.


"The coaching I received in this program was a very different experience from what has been offered to me before. Before I enrolled, there were so many opportunities I was not taking advantage ofMarisa helped me learn how to not overthink things, and gave specific strategies to better communicate and establish relationships that feel authentic and overall become a better relationship manager with my clients. She also opened the idea of other opportunities which I hadn't thought about before and overall thinking about moving my career forward in a different way. I also loved the exercises in between our calls. They gave a different perspective of how you see yourself when reflecting on changes you can make. I enjoyed writing things out as we moved through the program to get out of my head. The most significant result for me was a change in my mindset and how I can improve and overcome areas that previously would have me stuck, how to be uncomfortable and hold myself accountable. It was also very helpful to hear from others as well and their perspectives."

Martina Wellik

Director, Capital Markets (Financial Services)


Coaching with Marisa supported me to take ownership of my skills and attributes which I had been grossly overlooking. Her willingness to provide feedback quickly on my pressing projects was invaluable with her keen eye and relevant input. I truly appreciate her breadth of knowledge in the business space and how she would always find a resource for me even in areas that were not her specialty. Marisa's vault is quite extensive and provides powerful training on leadership and skill building. I definitely up-leveled my self-efficacy, consistency and level of commitment to my vision with her Gutsy Leadership coaching.

Before working with Marisa, I didn't have consistent weekly reviews of my progress and often set unrealistic expectations each week. After working with Marisa, I've increased my clarity on what I want, where I'm going and set small achievable goals to create and sustain momentum without paralyzing me with overwhelm. I am growing my coaching practice in a way that reflects my commitment to self care and ease instead of burning the candle at both ends or grinding each day.

Yvette Gorman-Holmes

Mind-Body Wellness Coach for Women

Toni Hubbs, Managing Director Risk Asset Management

Jennifer Hood, Director of Acquisition Performance Analysis

"Marisa, I'm willing to put in the effort in to continue this journey with you, consistently improve and stay focused. This program has COMPLETELY IMPROVED how I see myself and where I put my focus.

Before, I felt stagnant and knew I needed to grow. Feeling plateaued, I joined this program and was ready for the next step - being visible, speaking up more. My mindset was the biggest transformation. I naturally own and clearly communicate my value now that I'm equipped with the tools I needed.

Amina Campbell

Director Strategic Financial Planning

How would you feel if you were always clearly understood when speaking or presenting in meetings, because you owned your value, each time?

Not taking advantage of opportunities because you don’t know where to start or worry you may fail?

How will you experience new outcomes if you are surrounded by the same set of contacts?

How do you build relationships with those who will get you in front of the right people because you've gained credibility and respect? 


Market yourself effectively

Master your mental game, own your assets and leadership brand so you can SELL it

Recognize your core strengths that are the driver to people hiring you, and keeping you in mind for growth opportunities so you can increase your impact.
What’s the story that you want to share if you want to move to a senior role or make a career change? Storytelling and persuasion are skills you can master, authentically. 
 Build on the best parts of your experience and leadership to transition to the next opportunity.
 Naturally 'sell' your results and best work product  clear on your career portfolio and track record.
From purpose to impact: cultivate your personal brand effectively communicating the 'Why' behind your decisions and translating your plan of action to gain buy-in.
Become comfortably confident being your own publicist at the right time and place, with crisp, clear and concise communication, especially if you consider yourself more introspective.

Discover your Leadership edge

Develop impact skills that leverage your core strengths

Command presence with visibility seen as someone who can make a positive impact.
Stretch past fear to move from domain / subject matter expert to leader who embraces and can lead through, change.
Establish solid relationships with your team and stakeholders and gain the necessary support you need.
Engage your clients and business partners to where they become your RAVING FANS.
Demystify strategic thinking. Motivate others with your vision.
Gain clarity on how your core competencies can align with a career change.

When you invest in yourself, that's when others do too.  Own your personal power to create opportunities.

Grow your professional pipeline

Cultivate meaningful relationships that build trust and last a lifetime

Lacking a solid network? Revive and expand your internal and external professional contacts to include sponsors, business partners, champions, advocates and prospects who are happy to refer you on.
Build professional relationships that generate new business opportunities
Build a professional presence by making a strong impression both online and in-person.
Discover where to make the connections you need to gain insight and direction on a new career or industry you'd like to explore.
Create engaging introductions that build trust, leave you memorable and generate referrals which you can rely on for years to come.
Cultivate your brand as a genuine relationship manager others trust.

When you know how to strategically position yourself as a leader who is seen and heard, you become respected, gain recognition and opportunities to consistently move into more leadership and increase your impact over time.

Speak without apology

Communicate effectively building executive presence

Increase your visibility through storytelling, gaining credibility, building your brand and sharing your expert knowledge. 
Be vocal with your recommendations and opinions; Become comfortable going against the grain of popular opinion in the room communicating with diplomacy and advocating for yourself and your team.
Learn proven presentation persuasion techniques which wrap a clear picture around your message and intention for your audience.
Speak without apology, avoid language that dilutes your value and embrace dialogue that builds presence.
Be seen as a confident leader who gets things done with quality and impact.
Clearly articulate your competence and expertise on interviews and when making introductions.

fiercely protect WHO and WHAT gets a piece of YOU

Value your Time and Energy to better focus without burnout and overwhelm

Gain back control of your time and health so you have room to focus on your goals and be prepared for the next opportunity when it presents itself. 
Clear the decks. Implement proven daily and weekly routines that increase productivity so you can remain intentional to your goals and key actions you should take to meet them.
Unemotionally turn down requests and set boundaries with those who take away your best energy and focus. 
Set your environment up for success to achieve your career goals in  preparation for your 90-day career plan (covered in the BONUS strategy course). 
Let go of perfection paralysis. Implement repeatable routines that systematize your success and eliminate procrastination.

Mary Beth Laye, Senior Sales and Change Leader, Facilitator

One of the many significant improvements that I experienced from this program was definitely a change in mindset. I remember a conversation with Marisa that I still go back to in my head today. She talked about how to shift my mindset and something just switched ON for me that kept me present to how I see myself. I know that rationally we may know things as smart professionals, but we forget and this program just kept me dialed in.

The time that Marisa spent listening and helping me was invaluable. She becomes a mirror for you, and by doing so contributes to your growth. I enjoyed how she stopped and spoke with us on how we will apply each step as we were learning. I absolutely loved this interactive element.

I also appreciated the conference call format because I'm on zoom all day long. So it kept me super focused on only the learning and coaching I was receiving to really hear what I needed versus needing to be turned on and on camera!" - 

Esmeralda Carini, Literacy District Education Leader

I love Marisa's leadership. She truly leads in an authentic and passionate way that's so inspiring. And I find that our meetings are always beneficial because I'm getting to connect with people across not only the US but sometimes across the world and it's a wonderful networking opportunity and I always leave feeling very energized, so thank you Marisa for all you do, and welcome to all of our new members!


"What began as career goal to accelerate growth and breakthrough to the next level is now a lifestyle change! The ability to work with Marisa and network with an extraordinary community of risk-takers and change agents is priceless. I am now a Director leading strategic initiatives and on the Board of Directors for a global literary education organization!"

Kia Brown-Dudley

Director and Impact Strategist in Literary Education


"It has been transformational to come to a class like this, no matter how tired or how exhausted you may be prior to joining the calls where you are still stimulated, and get so much valuable advice out of it. Marisa is such an inspirational trainer and coach. I love her teachings, just hearing her voice when the calls kick off, excites me to want to participate and show up so much more powerfully each time in my own life."

Jacqueline Rosa

Citywide Transportation Analyst, Government Sector

Meet Your COACH

Hi, I'm Marisa Santoro

I'm a former IT executive with a two-decade career on Wall St. Today I'm a career coach, author, corporate leadership trainer, TED and keynote speaker. I'm also the CEO and founder of the career platform, In Our Shoes and Gutsy Leadership Academy, our online school.

My work is not based on academic research, theory or feel-good advice. It is based on two decades of practical strategies to navigate as a business leader and lead with impact at every level: midcareer professional or senior leader. 

It's also the path that professionals who are seeking to make a career transition take, and build a new set of contacts in a brand new industry. It's a system that rests on years of coaching professionals in all of those shoes. 

I've been in the shoes of what it takes to rise as a leader from the ground up. I've also been in the shoes of someone who is seeking a career change and is unsure of where to start.

I also write a national career column for American City Business Journals, covering their how-to career and business strategy sections across 44 cities in the United States and am an honoree of the Woman of Influence award from New York Business Journal and for helping professionals achieve higher levels of leadership by authentically marketing themselves much like any entrepreneur or business out there.

Owning your authority is about being in a purposeful career where your voice is valued and you are making impactful decisions to institute change while staying true to you core values.

 You set your GPS to where you want to be in your current or new career—this is the roadmap to get you there.


Master your mental game to achieve a new set of better outcomes.

Be comfortably confident managing up and pushing back, when needed.

Clearly communicate your strategic career narrative.

Cultivate your personal brand to succeed internally.

Lead with your core values when facing difficult work situations.

Be seen as a strategic thinker  who can lead wider initiatives.

Repackage your expertise and  core competencies for a role change.

Tap into the power of persuasion, to influence without direct authority.

Lock-in priorities, clear on which actions are the most impactful.

Master the power of FOCUS. Learn proven ways to accelerate your goals.

Cultivate an unpaid salesforce who will keep you in mind  for new opportunities.

Land a TED Talk or any public speaking opportunity.

Promote yourself with ease during key meetings.

Master effective storytelling that commands attention.

Ask for the 'Yes' in the face of rejection.

Develop engaging presentation decks that inspire others to take action.

Meet Strategic education leader and author of Hawaii's statewide literacy plan, Esmeralda Carini who embraced a professional community she can call home.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What kind of professional is this program designed for?  

The course is tailored for professionals seeking to either move to a new senior role or make a career transition.  The professionals who have joined this program were looking for external support and a community they can trust, no longer winging it alone. 

How quickly can I expect results?

Within 2-weeks you will have experienced an internal makeover of how you see yourself in your career or new industry if you're making a transition. We will have deep dived into all you do expertly with your unique brilliance and your core strengths.

What is the format of each live call?

The sessions are held interactively and conference call style with a dedicated audio line for phone dial-in  (international conference lines sent). There is no video  "zoom" format where you have to be turned on.  

Aside from attending the live action huddles, how else am I supported in the program? 

Every week you will receive topic recaps and accountability check-ins to remind you of your career commitments.

How soon can I start, once I enroll? 

You are given access immediately to a jumpstart  the Getting Started pre-program training. You will also be given a confidential Clarity Questionnaire regarding your career and life goals. This is meant to learn about where you are in your career and more importantly where you want to be. 

What if I'm unsure of my next role or career direction? I'm not yet clear on what I should be looking for or connections to make. Wouldn't I fall behind?

The course was designed to help you clarify what you uniquely bring to the table so that professional prospects are clear on your results from the assets that you lead with. You will highlight these, in every communication channel: during key conversations, e-mail outreach, building relationships, your resume, LinkedIn, networking opportunities and so much more.

What if I have just started a new position or recently moved in my career?

Congratulations! You are in the right place. You are always looking for your next opportunity, on Day 1. Please indicate your new position on your confidential Clarity Questionnaire so we can discuss on our calls to position you for growth, visibility, and increasing your network and impact as you hit the ground running.

I've had mentors my whole life and know my expertise and worth. How would this program suit me?

That's great news, are you communicating what you do brilliantly? Do you project your value so that if someone picked up your resume, checked out your Linkedin Profile or met you, they can easily "sum you up" and the story you want to tell,  so there would be no doubt of what you bring to the table in your career?  

Reviewing your credentials, how are you utilizing the leadership skills, certifications and training that you earned? 

Having knowledge is great, clearly articulating your unique selling points so that others are left with no doubt about what you deliver, is what sells you and your expertise. In this virtual work world, communicating with presence is king.

How long will I have access to the program?

You will have lifetime ALL access and continual updates to the program, for as long as this product is offered.  After the course ends, you will be given lifetime access to all modules and course materials: assignments, action guide workbooks and call replays.

I have already taken the program and would like to receive coaching. Can I enroll again?

You sure can. Get in touch at and we will share the Alumni benefits you receive!


"The "Own Your Authority Deep Dive" was a much needed shot of adrenaline for me. Coming here and having these conversations where you are looking towards your professional future, gives you hope that you can create what you want and exactly how. Marisa talks you through work situations to prepare you to have the tough conversations you need, because you have thought it through ahead with her and were exactly what I needed. I am comfortable trusting my gut, expressing myself fully, and doing what my heart tells me that I need to do as an authentic leader."

Lenore Diamond

Managing Director, Airline Sector


"Renewed self-confidence and assertiveness! Marisa’s guidance empowered me to identify opportunities for 5% growth, with a charge to do 5 things outside of my comfort zone. I took an assessment of what I wanted to improve on, made a commitment to make changes, and began seeing and feeling results within the same week.

Since training and coaching with Marisa, I have launched our central leadership team and had a 1-to-1 conversation with my commissioner on the resources I need to centralize my team’s operations and grow the team as my own leadership role grows."

Jeffrey Malamy

Project Manager, Department of Transportation

If you're ready to get unstuck in your career, grow further and do impactful work where you feel valued, save your seat and click here.


"I work in an industry that is not always the easiest to obtain a job if you are not being referred, and is extremely competitive. I knew I needed to step up my game to catch the attention of recruiters to stay in the 6-figure salary range. Marisa’s unique ability to prepare you for those 6-figure positions, resume format, style is paralleling. Within a week of submitting my resume, I was receiving emails and calls for interviews! Her brilliance and endless encouraging talks which prepared me for where I am today."

Dora Raine

Business Development Strategy


"Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. One of the biggest takeaways from Marisa’s coaching is that if something is not working then take action and trust your instincts. I needed to find a new job and strong support on how to execute my plan. Staying positive, and staying the course with a plan is not easy to do on your own. In less than three months I secured the job I wanted, switching to a new industry and moving. I needed a “just go for it” push. Your mind will block you from doing certain things. Although I was prepared to move without a job, I had to think about it in a different way. Marisa encouraged me that I can do whatever I want. if something does happen along the way, we would handle it together, with a positive perspective. I needed someone to punch holes in my plan to catch my blind spots."

Luis Soriano

Senior Project Manager


"Marisa! Sharing my good news with you that I got the job! They called to make an offer this morning and are sending today or tomorrow. I am so relieved. Thank you so much for all of your help! I might actually have some time now to go through the course again to stay on track with everything and continue to be properly mentored as I start this new role, thank you!"

Erika McCowan

Senior CPA and Grants Officer, Government Sector


"I have seen incredible results by setting boundaries in my practice and saying NO where I need. I absolutely needed this course. I’m now setting up expectations with patients, creating and setting my office policy and training my staff – editing all our emails based on this advice. Marisa helped me through a difficult transition in my job. She guided me to find the right words to discuss my resignation. It’s hard to be a woman and balance the alpha and beta in your job. Before working with you Marisa, I was a complete pushover at work. Then I started standing up for myself in ways that I never thought possible. The 3 most significant improvements I made were in my new job, a new approach to interactions with my boss. A new approach to emails."

Dr. Dorothy Fink

Endocrinologist, NYU Langone

We offer a 14-day money back guarantee of this program. If you are not completely satisfied, you can alert us within 14 days of the enrollment date.  Upon requesting a refund, within the applicable time period, we will cancel your registration and issue you a full refund.

© Copyright 2024-2025 In Our Shoes LLC