PODCAST: Speaking without Apology. A power-hour of no-nonsense advice on how to find your voice in business.
Meet communications leader Lisa Derus from Anheuser-Busch. Lisa had attended a training program I held for Anheuser-Busch a few years back. Since then she had held onto and implemented all of the gutsy strategies and awareness factors I taught which were showing up in her communication. I returned back to AB last year and recently sat down with Lisa to address all of the subtle ways we may not realize where we are diluting our value everyday in our communication. .
In this podcast interview, hear the subtle ways in which you may be diluting your value in your communication through speaking, e-mail, text, and even Slack. Learn how not saying enough about your work product can actually diminish you going forward in future projects. Hear a gutsy strategy called the "meeting before the meeting" and how "boosting not boasting" can personally shape your personal brand in even casual conversations. In this podcast we also cover how to navigate a leadership role where you have responsibility but without authority and ways in which you can hold the line and speak without apology in matrix management as well.

Marisa Santoro, Founder In Our Shoes. Women of Influence honoree, American Business Journals.

Lisa Derus, Craft Communications Manager, Anheuser-Busch.
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Starting to feel some gutsy momentum? Reach out with any questions on how we can get to work on your career or business. Schedule a call and reach out at: info@inrshoes.com .
Take a non-negotiable approach to leading without permission. Gutsy Leadership - it's a mindset thing.