Ready to make your Gutsy Career Breakthrough?
Former IT Executive on Wall Street, Marisa Santoro. Winner of the “Women of Influence” award by New York Business Journals. Founder of www.inrshoes.com and Gutsy Leadership™ Academy.
Yes, I want to sample Gutsy Leadership!
Ready to be seen as that expert of influence? Get the proven step-by-step system on how accelerate your career right away. Learn more.
Make the investment in YOU. Get the step-by-step program to reach your career goals - starting NOW. Get the full program. Enroll below.

Private Support, Instructor-led Guidance, Coaching with Self-Paced Learning.

Own Your Authority.
LEAD them.
Which of the following goals reflects most where you want to be?
I want to:
- Change how I am perceived as a professional expert in my field.
- Start my side hustle to begin my journey, doing what I love.
- Fast-path to a new position in my career.
- Move to a more senior-level role and remain there comfortably.
The Gutsy Career Breakthrough Course
Your full end-to-end online program of the entire Gutsy Leadership System. Self-Paced Video Training Modules, a collection of motivational audios, videos, step-by-step learning with assignments, templates, scripts (exactly what to say and write) and cheat sheets that delivers complete training on how up-level your career and action that gutsy breakthrough goal immediately. Plus support for 3-months to ask for what you need in our monthly Q&A calls based on where you are and where you want to be. Training, Support and Strategy based on your schedule, whenever you wish to start the clock and begin. Nowhere else will you find this combination of personalized career support with an online program. We understand our students need consistent guidance and feedback to stay the course.

Design the Life You Want On Your Terms: Preview the Gutsy Breakthrough to Success Coaching Program- Video modules to walk you through each step of the way.
Marisa Santoro, Winner of the “Women of Influence” award by New York Business Journals. Former IT Executive on Wall Street. Founder of The Gutsy Leadership™ System. Canfield "Success Principles" Human Potential Trainer.
I want to:
- Be more visible as an emerging entrepreneur.
- Be a trainer or coach, package my solutions serving others.
- Create my unshakable brand. Build my network. Be more visible!
- Transition to self-employment; get my business off the ground.

- Download PDF
Learn more of the results you will receive.

The Gutsy Leadership System TM teaches how to make mindset shifts about your value as a professional expert alongside learning a practical proven set of leadership and communication tools as an intrapreneur inside an organization or entrepreneur running a practice. It will stretch you outside your comfort zone taking manageable steps towards a new level of how others perceive you. It’s about owning your authority, finding your voice, reinventing yourself to a level where you never have to be weighed down about your marketability, value you deliver and self-worth – ever again.
You will be shown EXACTLY what to start doing–and stop doing to own your authority confidently and attracting opportunity. It is all step-by-step, not overwhelming theory and feel-good advice, taking you in every direction. This program offers simple, concrete HOW-TO tools on what to do, not concepts. But before you can implement any leadership education, the truth is, you need to change how you see yourself in your career or business and move out of your own way. The system works no matter where you are in your career: just starting out, mid-way, senior-level or pre-retirement. This course will accelerate you, once you've YES to the desires you have in your life.
Professional Support. Ask for what you need.
Receive support based on where you are and where you want to be across three-months of scheduled Q&A Calls where you receive the answers you need, when you need. International conference line provided.
Self-Paced Training
Guided “Power Hour” Step-by-Step Training and Video Courses with library of Motivational Audios. Assignments, templates* and scripts* (exactly what to write and say – “tweakable” to suit your authentic style). Easily download, print and save.
Success Principles to Strengthen your Focus
Enjoy a blend of proven success self-leadership principles with career leadership modules which will strengthen your focus and intuitive skill to achieve your breakthrough goals.
Weekly Accountability Checks
Receive consistent accountability checks from Marisa Santoro each week to keep up the momentum and remain on track with your goals.
Unlock over 12 hours of Access to Accelerated Training Calls
Learn from and listen to previous training and mentoring calls held for professionals who have been in your shoes.
Lifetime Access to your online classroom.
Training materials are yours forever. Plus, get new modules as they are added to any course to stay plugged in. As your career or business evolves, so will our delivery to meet your needs.
Risk Free Guarantee
Join us for the first two weeks in Gutsy Leadership Academy. If you do the work and don’t receive value, we will happily issue you a refund – guaranteed.
Exclusive Savings
Enjoy discounted savings on any private coaching program or training product, delivered only to enrolled students, including family or friend discount to one individual who can further support you by being plugged into the Gutsy Leadership mindset.
- Lock-in your vision and breakthrough goals with clarity and courage.
- Confidently communicate, projecting your credibility as an expert in your field.
- Market with meaning. Attract opportunities aligned with your purpose.
- Clear the clutter, knock out time-management challenges to pull your goals up in priority.
- Shift your mindset and limiting beliefs
- Influence with storytelling and leveraging your soft skills.
- Develop a social media presence, others remain plugged into.
- Wave away anxiety and fear of rejection or failure.
- Master the art of "small talk" to lean on a trusted referral network for years to come.
- Own your authority with clients, prospects, patients, management or peers.
- Distribute a compelling story about the results you deliver.
- Become comfortably confident being more visible and asking for opportunities.
- Engage others making them your best customers creating collaboration.
- Expand your influence speaking to larger and/or more senior audiences.
- Remain calm and prepared to respond when your ideas are pushed back on.
- Package your expertise as a trusted advisor hired for your best practices and how you will make an impact.
- Enjoy Lifetime Access.
- Implement daily focus and discipline.
- Stay the course with gentle accountability checks and reminders.

How Your Online Learning Works
- Grab 'n go training with your laptop or mobile device. Read, listen or watch each module with guided self-paced videos and clear-cut objectives for each.
- Complete assignments and templates to action the goals of each module immediately.
- Regular accountability checks and access to a bonus library of motivational audios to keep you positive and and keep up the momentum!
- Shift your confidence levels and mindset by creating a powerful blueprint in your subconscious which will support you.
- Learn from the personal stories of Marisa Santoro which she implemented using these same gutsy leadership strategies walking you through where she was and how she advanced both in corporate and as an entrepreneur.
- Receive direct and personalized support online with full accountability throughout the course, working through the exercises.

Monthly Live Q&A Support and Recordings.

**Professional development tuition is typically a tax-deduction benefit for investing in your career.**
If you would like to register by phone, or have questions, please
Contact us at +1.844.626.3410 direct.
or email us at info@InRShoes.com