The step-by-step system to following your gut, and creating BREAKTHROUGH RESULTS.
"Marisa, how can I be sure I am following my gut or only reacting to my own anxiety when making a key decision?”
It's a question I'm often asked and wanted to address it here in our gutsy village. Even the most confident people who believe they have value and SO MUCH career potential share, there's also that inner crow feeding into their limiting beliefs. From what I've found coaching individuals over the years is that it's not a confidence thing (although your ego won't have you subscribing to this).
It's just a matter of whether you are weaving in your value. Whether you are projecting that you are confident. It's answering the call. It's answering the question: How do I want to be perceived? Once you discover what that is, you are no longer waiting around to move ahead in your career, but instead, will “go with your gut” and step into that higher version and vision of yourself with grace and ease.
In the above video I walk you through the exact STEP by STEP system you can take when you are in the bowels of toxicity and a very negative circumstance.
How do you know you are being gutsy?
The answer is in another question. Do you feel excited and nervous at the same time? When these two emotions co-exist, this is your intuition speaking to you and will never steer you wrong. The next best move for you is never rooted in fear but when these two must-have emotions co-exist. If you are ever unsure, close your eyes. You should feel a calm sense of knowing from your core in spite of any chatter from self-doubt attempting to rationalize your decision away. You feel it, you just know.
‘Care less about what people think and more about what you have to say and why you are the most qualified to talk about it.’ - founder of In Our Shoes, Marisa Santoro.
Every quarter we accept a limited number of applicants to enroll in Gutsy Leadership Academy. To learn more about GLA, a full online leadership training and step-by-step coaching program proven to create breakthroughs in your career, check out the ALL ACCESS Pass to reserve your seat in the next enrollment period with *savings*!
About Marisa Santoro
CEO of In Our Shoes, Marisa Santoro is an American career leadership trainer and coach recognized as a global leadership expert for the Gutsy Leadership™ System, an inside-out, self-aware leadership approach to recognizing your value in order to successfully drive change. In Our Shoes is a professional development training and collaboration platform consisting of self-paced online courses and live training delivered through Gutsy Leadership Academy ™, which promotes a global community for professionals to share their same struggles in a trusted safe environment. She empowers workplace professionals, practice owners, sales agents, physicians and small business owners to move into higher levels of leadership roles across corporate and the health care, real estate, education, music, writing and coaching industries.
Former IT Executive on Wall Street, Marisa has a 21+ year corporate career and is a recent honoree of the “Women of Influence” award by New York Business Journals given her years of heart-centered mentoring and leadership programs for women in the workplace.
Marisa is also a national career columnist for American Business Journals with articles published in 43 cities across the US, cited expert for women’s leadership in the Huffington Post and motivational speaker.