Do you allow a relationship, conversation or even your environment to weigh you down?
Many professionals share they feel tense, knocked off-balance, anxiety, even experience teeth grinding when they’re out of flow. It can happen on your way to work, speaking with your boss, doing a presentation, going on an interview.
Ideally you want to feel in flow so you can be genuine when communicating, speak naturally and aligned to who you are. This is in contrast to holding yourself back or not saying what you really want to say which causes the inner crow to start its usual script followed by a drop in energy level due to the self-doubt rising internally.
I’ve got it. In this video (recorded while watching the ocean move in and out in flow), I share a powerful strategy to move into flow with ease every time.
No one ever talks about this technique because it feels counterintuitive. But the reason it works, is because you are not consciously intending to be in flow. Rather you are removing resistance – that which is stopping you from feeling aligned.
This strategy can easily be confused with giving up. Don’t fall for it, this works if you’re willing to reclaim your power in that next recurring difficult situation where you find yourself knocked out of flow each time.
Being in a corporate career for over 20 years. It’s a muscle, you have to lean into it. When you’re considering ways in which to be in flow, for me, it’s meditation. I know for many of you in the gutsy village, you write your morning pages, you journal, do yoga, some of you even have energy practices, physical energy practices, which I’ve heard are very effective. Whatever it is that calms you, and has you tap more into your higher spirit. That’s great. And it works, it definitely keeps us in a place where we feel more balanced and more mindful when we’re in certain situations where we want to feel in flow.
But when you’re thinking about this flow state, it’s also very much about surrender. And surrendering to the resistance, because that’s what’s causing us to be out of flow.
So for example, on a personal front, if a child or a family member or a friend says something that puts you off, all of a sudden, you can get your back up and you can feel defensive or maybe they touched a spot that may have hurt you. And so now you’re not in flow anymore.
Or on the business front, you could be in a meeting and you’re questioned, or you’re given pushback on your ideas, or you’re not heard or listened to, or valued. That could also feel where you’re not in flow. In these moments, when you’re feeling that resistance, I’d like you to just surrender to it. And really lean into the resistance rather than,get your back up and push away from it.
I really want you to lean into it and almost treat it as if it’s passing through you. You can even lean back a little bit, just kind of simulate that experience, let it pass through you. There’s nothing you can do about an outside circumstance what someone says or does. But if you really are aware of whatever is showing up for you in that moment, and are able to lean back and let it pass through you, it really will make a difference and, and help you remain present.
So that you get a little bit stronger the next time it happens. surrendering and releasing resistance is actually more effective than any other tool set that we have. The reason is, is because we’re slowly allowing our spirit to just be free. It’s an inner freedom, inner spirit, inner freedom.
And it really helps you cope and not just survive, but thrive in certain situations where things can’t really touch you people can’t really touch you, you feel almost limitless. So surrendering is very much a part of flow. And, and a gutsy formula. And it’s something that I always talk about, moving into and acting with your gut, taking gutsy moves on a small scale regularly so that you can build up your gutsy moves.
But in addition to that, it’s also surrendering to when you don’t feel like you have power or maybe you just feel a momentary loss of some sort of control of a situation or something makes you feel bad. And so that releasing of resistance and surrendering is just as effective as making those gutsy moves because you’re reclaiming your power. And that’s really what this is all about as we evolve in our physical bodies. Our spirit is growing and expanding just as the universe is and so, you know my philosophy you can’t you can’t grow unless you step into those those gutsy moves. But part of that is also surrendering, letting go not giving up. Don’t confuse the two. I know it’s easy to but surrendering is not is not giving up. It’s letting go and just letting it pass through you and try to just lean back a little and see how that feels. And if that makes a difference, do that for a week. And, really just see what shows up for you. All right. I’m gonna go now because I hear some music going on. I don’t know if you can hear me anymore.
To your gutsy moves and career success, quiet the mind and trust yourself. Your instincts are always guiding you.

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