This week we’re talking about how to empower your employees and help them lead, versus directing them with what you expect them to do. This is part two of our Manager as Coach training series. If you missed it, check out part one here.

So let’s say for example, someone on your team comes to you with a problem to discuss. Rather than direct them or give them the solution here’s how to help them think critically and help them own their domain.

Help them develop and own solutions

In the video above, I show you how to ask them guiding questions, give them some breadcrumbs to follow where you’re asking if they have considered various options. This is to help them become the solutionists. By discussing with you, they will inevitably tap into some of their own ideas but with you wearing your coaching hat, this will help them breakthrough to new possible ways to resolve, just by talking it out with you.

But before I forget, be sure to visit our course library of topics ranging from leadership development, manager training, conflict resolution, Everything DiSC and many more through our curated custom programs.

Back to helping your people think through problems on their own…

In this video series, I’m sharing another three ways and missed opportunities that you as a manager or leader to give direction and share your thought process. I’m a big fan of hiring people who can learn the job even better than you. When you look back at a really great manager that you had in your life, what was it that you appreciated that made them so effective? Years from now, you may be the one manager that your team members recall when they share who their favorite manager was! That’s how paying it forward it works, right? : )

This is part two of a three part series. Enjoy this video and if it speaks to you, please share with your leaders and managers who may not have ever been trained on how to be a coach in the workplace or check out all our executive coaching programs and coach-the-coach programs here!

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Marisa Santoro