What is my return on investment?

Pause for a minute and ask yourself, “What is my career worth to me? What opportunities will I gain in my career once my leadership strategy is in place? This is a not a forum to just get good information. You are walking away with an investment in creating more income because you have upp-ed your game to advance. You have tapped into where your passion in business rests and how that will inspire people to want to do business with you and pay you what you deserve.

How is this seminar different from other coaching programs?

This seminar is not coaching program. This seminar consists of hand-on tactical approaches to reinventing your career and leadership strategy. Although we may touch upon various tools or other techie tidbits, Marisa Santoro, founder of In Our Shoes,  focuses on a specific goal: to jumpstart women who know what they are passionate about in business, but need a fresh framework (business blueprint if you will) and objective assessment examining their leadership strategy and what sets it apart; to reinvent its normal, think ahead and invent what’s next, positioning themselves before they dive in working a plan of growth – and it is all about working hard and persistent.  Success doesn’t come to people because they are the best at what they do. Success comes to those who have the drive and stomach to go for a career that they love. If you’re ready for the journey ahead, you will (not if) get there.


Who would this program not benefit?

This seminar is not fitted for someone who is not open to sharing of their own expertise. We’re often blindsided to our own innate talents and abilities, especially if we’re venturing into territory we’ve never treaded before. That’s normal and we’ve all been there! It’s fine if you enter the seminar unsure of what value you  add to become successful at what you’re pursuing;  one of the seminar takeaways is that by exploring more of what you’re passionate about, we can find out what that is.

Am I obligated to remain active with others after the seminar?

In Our Shoes rests on the tenet that meeting like-minded inspirational people guarantees success. While you may connect and learn alot from other attendees during the seminar, you are not expected to contact them after the seminar and we do not share your e-mail information. In Our Shoes provides a private forum for the group you are made a part of, to comfortably speak, check in and follow up with any questions or words of wisdom to share as you create your journey. This is offered as a highly recommended resource made available so that the seminar program doesn’t close shut after the last day we meet. It is a space for you to share and continue the conversation if you choose.  Some people choose to enter into a one-on-one coaching relationship with Marisa Santoro afterwards given the tools learned.

I’m not sure if I am ready to attend, how can I sample your work to see if it’s right for me?

Marisa Santoro offers free webinars and private coaching sessions that you can explore to help get you thinking about whether you’re ready for stepping out to a wider audience. She also creates content for independent professionals and small businesses that need assistance crystalizing the message they wish to market themselves with – the only requirement is that your brand in some way celebrates, inspires or empowers women!

You have some big shoes to fill, but we promise that if you are dedicated to pursuing a life that you love in business, you will get there. How fast you do depends on you. This is another option for you “try on” before attending. We also suggest that you listen to the audio seminar series offered free here at In Our Shoes that uncovers the 5 Footprints that Smart Ambitious Women make when following their Passions in business!

What about men?!

In Our Shoes steps out with the message of supporting working women in business.  It does however make room for a particular kind of man: the enlightened variety! More than any other time in history, there are many men who have reversed roles with women and are swapping in and out of all the same shoes. There are also men who may be supporting a family and want to be inspired by reinventing themselves and who recognize that there is much wisdom to be learned from the advice shared here amongst women. So yes, men are welcomed and would add a powerful dynamic to our female village.

Can I contact some of your former clients for their feedback and testimonials?

We encourage you to! Testimonials lie underneath seminar programming content in comments. To protect the privacy of some coached clients, we do not list their names and businesses here, but they have gladly offered to accept phone calls or e-mails sharing their experience working with In Our Shoes. Also, browse around the recent interviews we have done. These women can also discuss the professional approach Marisa Santoro has taken soliciting their expert wisdom!

I am ready to attend, but have a few questions that have come to mind. Can I call you first?

Absolutely, be ready to be inspired and empowered on your Dream Shoe journey! E-mail LifeCoach@InRShoes.com and we will call you!


