2023 Best Women Leadership Books
Today a reader, tomorrow a leader!
I am honored to hear Own Your Authority has been chosen for so many corporate book clubs last year!
It’s International Thank You Day🙏 and what better time to share my sincere appreciation.
McGraw Hill released my book just over a year ago and I’ve placed all 7 giveaway book bonuses right here, to celebrate!🎉
I won’t spend time in this post telling you about the book. You can check a whole page here complete with endorsements and book reviews.
Now onto the bonuses below, SCROLL on down…
This report will show you how to communicate with intention, practice setting boundaries around your time and sell yourself in business, in an authentic way. It also deep dives on how to bring people together to develop trust and so much more.

➡️ Gutsy PODCAST covering top questions on how to own your personal authority!
When you download the FREE report above, I send you a companion podcast that walks you through some of the strategies based on key discussion topics sent in by readers. The podcast references each highlighted strategy so you can easily learn how to advance your career and help you authentically become a leader people trust.

➡️DISCUSSION GUIDE for your Corporate Book Club
Hit the ground running to lead your book club meetings with this step-by-step discussion guide walking through each chapter of the book. Discussion questions are an excellent opportunity to receive insights and new ways of thinking about your career not to mention offering a trusted space to open up and ask for feedback on specific work situations from your reader group.
Honored to hear Own Your Authority has been chosen for so many corporate book clubs this year! Many thanks to Oracle, Royal Bank of Canada, the Female Quotient, American Express, Select Equity Group, FWA and so many more!
➡️Audio Leadership MINI-COURSE: a walk through of the exact system to command respect and recognition in your career
Grab a notebook, sit back with a cup of tea, coffee or glass of wine and listen in! Learn more below.
I am incredibly excited for you to read the first chapter of the book. Here I set the stage for new ways of thinking about your career. My work is not based on academic research or theory. It’s based on two-decades of what it takes to advance in business when you don’t consider yourself loud or boisterous but more of a mindful person who is empathic.
➡️Behind the Scenes AUTHOR INTERVIEW!
Here I share more gutsy insights to help you navigate your career in the form of an exclusive author interview you won’t find publicly available.
A few months back I sat down with Managing Director and host of the Growth From Failure podcast, Yinh.
I’ve done many interviews before, but I felt this one was different because it is a complete walkthrough of the gutsy leadership method in 18-minutes. Here, I cover each chapter in my book, Own Your Authority and what the intention was behind the scenes when writing it. I also answer some thought provoking questions from Yinh. We don’t sugarcoat anything here. Here you’ll find two women who are eager to share the guts and grit it takes to advance as a female leader in business.
➡️ 8 Leadership SELF-LOVE PODCASTS💙
Do you often trust the decisions you make in your career? Are you holding yourself back due to fear of how you will be perceived? If the answer is “no” or “yes, but not always”, I’m sending you 8 leadership self-love podcasts to inspire and motivate you to trust yourself, your decisions and being intentional in ALL of your business relationships.
Choose any or all bonuses above, each one was designed from top questions sent in from corporate book clubs, women in leadership employee resource groups, coaching calls, seminars, workshops and action huddles. And I am sincerely honored to be sharing these with you.
With guts and gratefulness, keep moving your feet. The more you own your value, the more opportunities you create to advance your career.
Once again, a huge thank you for your support and please drop me a line if you’d like to see any other bonuses in the future!

p.s. before I forget, click below to share this post!
p.p.s. if you enjoyed reading or listening to the book, please write a quick Amazon review! Each month, we do giveaways in gratitude for taking the time to write a review.
#women #leadership #books #managementbooks #booklovers #corporatebookclubs