What if there were one way that would guarantee that you would effectively market your value in your career in any setting: in leadership team meetings or one-on-one meetings with your management?
SELLING YOURSELF IN A LEADERSHIP MEETING: Put yourself in their shoes first.
It’s a common question that I’m often asked. How do I sell myself? I’m not very good at selling myself. Well, the biggest opportunity that you might be missing is not putting yourself in your client’s shoes. It could be your prospective client, it could be your leadership, your management, or your business partners or peers. Whoever it is that you’re meeting with, let’s say on a regular basis, you really want to put your ideas and recommendations and get them on the table and really be heard and at the same time market yourself. Well, in order to do that, you have to put yourself in their shoes. And as a gutsy strategy, stay a few steps ahead of them.
Before I forget, I want to be sure you know about my audio leadership course (it’s free) that’s designed to help you own your authority in your career and it works. It’s based on two decades of leading in Corporate America, (I’m a former Wall St. Executive) and those professionals I coach here at In Our Shoes. Now onto selling yourself…

So if you’re going in there, let’s just say with a weekly status, on some key projects. Instead of talking about AS-IS, talk about the future, talk about what’s coming down the pipeline, talk about the risks, talk about anything that they may not have thought of. Go out three, six, even one year and throw something out there that demonstrates that you’re not just looking at the current picture, but you’re also looking at the to BE picture, that future vision, demonstrating more leadership.
A lot of times we struggle as professionals. You might feel like “Well, I don’t really feel like my ideas are being effectively put across and my recommendations.” You might believe in them, you might be really confident in what you’re saying, but you may not be marketing yourself as well. So if you take the same things that you were going to say position them as you wish, but put them in a way where you’re not just talking about why they matter today, but why they would be relevant in the future. The benefits, and the risks.
One of the key gutsy strategies here that we teach at Gutsy Leadership Academy is storytelling and putting yourself in that future vision which I’ll be talking about in a future video and the step by step of how to speak effectively with stories.
Alright, so the the key strategy here to market yourself is to put yourself in their shoes, why does what you’re saying matter to them? And think about what keeps them up at night? What are the things that are roaming around in their head, maybe they have low attention right now because a lot of things are coming at them a lot of stress or pressure in the workplace or in the organization. And so you really want to hit the beats, and really get clear on why whatever you’re recommending and any idea would matter to them. And make sure you just stay a few steps ahead of them. Not just talking about the AS-IS but project out into the future and demonstrate as a leader how you’re already thinking ahead, having their back.
At the end of the day to be effective in leadership, you really have to ensure that your clients feel that you have their back. If they feel you have their back, they will relax. These three strategies will effectively demonstrate you are thinking ahead, 3 steps ahead of them and indeed have their back!
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