
Welcome everyone! Settling back on US soil, I have *almost* returned back to routine operations here at In Our Shoes. I am kicking off our first piece with an inspiring story from Julia Grinham, co-founder of Upper Street shoes and our sponsor offering all of you fabulous smart women a whopping 20% discount when buying your own custom pair of Upper Street glam shoes this month – promotion code down below!


Julia participated in our inspiring  Sole Circle event held in London last week and shared her story cutting over from corporate UK player to following her passions as an entrepreneur – video below. You’re sure to enjoy it.


I know you have your sights set on a more inspiring career, one which will allow you to quit your day job and JUST DO IT. May this video get you started on that journey.


Enter 20% off Promotion code: 51047 at checkout. Offer eligible until end of November only!  www.UpperStreet.com


‘We took this massive leap off a cliff and didn’t know if our parachute would open or not. It did!’ – Julia Grinham co-founder of UpperStreet.com





Some of the challenges Julia and her sister (co-founder) faced to get Upper Street off the ground:

  • They needed to find a good team of people and whom they could trust.
  • They needed to deal with China and its different culture and customs.
  • They had to find a shoe designer because they had no experience in creating shoes!
  • They had to find a strong PR agency to grow their brand well.
  • They had to learn the fashion and retail industries.

Some key quotes from Julia.

‘Your Gut-Feel is years of experience that you built up and is sitting in the back of your head. It’s not irrational, its actually a very rational thing.’ – Julia Grinham

‘Women are brilliant at networking, much better than men. It’s often about who they know and who you know and how you can put all of that together.’

‘Its’ about getting yourself visible, making sure you’re noticed so people will remember you.’