I’ve been connecting with many here in the In Our Shoes village, and am hearing it has been a challenge to maintain energy levels. Turning on the news doesn’t help and there’s a knee-jerk impulse to need to do something “meaningful” and be “purposeful”. 2020 just blended in with 2021. We should feel recharged, reset, full of high-flying inspiration, right? And yet nothing seems much different than just a few weeks ago. I get it.
If this sounds like you, I invite you to share a different story: You don’t have be anything for anyone right now. How does that sound? : )
Before I forget, I want to be sure you know about my audio leadership course (it’s free) that’s designed to help you own your authority in your career and it works. It’s based on two decades of leading in Corporate America, (I’m a former Wall St. Executive) and those professionals I coach here at In Our Shoes. Now onto rising with resilience!
Download your Energy Toolkit below and get started recharging your soul.

Check out the energy toolkit below from gutsy leader Juliet, in our professional village. She developed this soon after one of our Action Plan huddles. I held her accountable for taking responsibility for her performance and here’s what she now carries in her hip pocket. Time to create yours!
Be strategic about your energy level. Time will miraculously open up.
An Energy Toolkit from our Gutsy Leader village:

There are two hemispheres of your brain battling each other right now. The left is driven by logic and will scream for you to get up and get out there. “Do something, the world is waiting!” The right side on the other hand is creative. It wants to play and be inspired, but it’s not getting much traction as long as ego over there, on the left side of the house weighs it down. I refer to this as the inner crow here at Gutsy Leadership Academy and trust me, it will spend all day squawking in your ear if you allow it. That includes the toxic people as well when you give them a reason to hang around.
These are the times, when it’s time to go gutsy and LET GO. If you are in the eye of the storm right now, just observe the chaos around you as if you are a third-party and PAUSE. Do nothing.
You are energy, vibrating at a certain frequency. Below is a cheat sheet of where you may be on the energy spectrum. So if you’re any where at a 150 or below, what’s it going to take for you to rise with resilience? Because we are connected here (it’s ok if we haven’t met, you know what I mean) I’m sharing with you my personal energy toolkit. It’s one of many go-to resources when I need a kickstart. These are just mine, as a gutsy homework exercise, please jot down some things you would enjoy as the week comes to a close, to raise you back up to the top? Who hasn’t heard from you in a while? And what are you grateful for?
With guts and gratitude , I know you’ve GOT this, but I don’t need you to know it. I need you to OWN it. Deep Breathe IN. Hold. Exhale…. Big squeeze coming your way.

Ready to make a gutsy career breakthrough?
The Confidence Formula: 101 Ways to Communicate with Clarity at Work. Download our FREE Report

Join our free Audio Leadership course to Own Your Authority at work.
Grab a notebook, sit back with a cup of tea, coffee or glass of wine and listen in! Learn more below.