Make a difference at any level of your organization with Everything DiSC Certification, DiSC Assessments, Training

Own Your Authority.
Advance Your Career. 

You're smart and driven but have outgrown where you are and don't feel valued.  Learn the top 5 strategies to command respect and recognition in your career.  FREE LEADERSHIP AUDIO COURSE

Know how to respond when someone asks, "So, what do you do?"

Everything DiSC Training Solutions  and DiSC Certification

Learn more about Everything DiSC Certification and Disc Assessments

Everything DiSC Certification

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Everything DiSC on Catalyst certification and facilitation kits allow learning and development team members to be certified trainers so they may facilitate Everything DiSC trainings for their staff, supervisors, management, and leaders.

Certification is a valuable cost-effective measure organizations take to develop trainers internally who can then train other employees – saving the facilitation and travel expense of hiring outside trainers.

Once you become certified, you can facilitate any of the training shown in PDF here.

SHRM credential holders can earn 20 professional development credits (PDCs) from the Society for Human Resource Management when they complete the Everything DiSC Certification.

Workplace Training and DiSC Assessments

Training Programs to build better communication amongst teams. Immediately discover and explore the priorities that drive your employee’s behavior and inspire effective collaboration, gain actionable strategies that strengthen their interpersonal behavior. Learn what comes naturally and challenging when interacting with people and ways to improve on on communication to build better teams.

Manager / Supervisor Training and DiSC Assessments

Recognize the priorities and preferences that shape your experience as a manager of others and as an employee who must also effectively manage up. Understand how your unique style informs their approach to directing and delegation. Learn strategies for improving employee motivation and developing the full potential of people with various DiSC styles. Identify new ways to work more effectively with their manager.

Productive Conflict Training and DiSC Assessments

Employees appreciate how their style of handling conflict affects the people around them. Learn how to “catch” themselves when going down a destructive conflict path. Learn how to reframe a conflict situation and choose more productive behaviors. Build a common language in the organization around appropriate conflict behavior.

Work of Leaders Training and DiSC Assessments

Employees recognize the priorities and tendencies, based on their own DiSC style, that shape their approach to the fundamental work of leaders: creating a vision, building alignment around that vision, and championing execution of the vision. Explore in detail how to play to their strengths and overcome challenges to improve their leadership effectiveness. Identify strategies to develop preferred behaviors based on context-specific best practices.

Sales Training and DiSC Assessments

Employees discover their own DiSC® style: recognize the priorities, personal strengths, and challenges that shape their sales interactions with others. Explore other styles: understand the differences and similarities among DiSC buying styles, learn to recognize the behaviors unique to each style, and identify new ways to find common ground with all types of customers. Create a plan of action to get more out of the sales process—and deliver better bottom-line results.

Agile EQ Training and DiSC Assessments

Learn valuable insights that help explore the concept of emotional intelligence and take an agile approach to workplace interactions. Discover your DiSC style, learn about the instinctive mindsets that shape your responses and interactions, recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to you, and gain actionable strategies to become more agile in your approach to social and emotional situations.

What is DiSC?

DiSC is a personal development assessment and learning experience that equips people with the social and emotional know how for improved communication, relationships and productivity at work.

Learners: (a) gain  a better understanding of themselves and how they relate to others, (b) appreciate and value the differences in others, (c) readily adapt to the unique needs of each person or situation they encounter. 

Everything Disc Certification

Learn more about Everything DiSC Certification and Disc Assessments

Wiley Disc Certification | Disk Training And Certification

Define Conscientious

DiSC Test

DiSC Epic Account

disc personality test

disc personality types

Everything DiSC Certification

SHRM credential holders can earn 20 professional development credits (PDCs) from the Society for Human Resource Management when they complete the Everything DiSC Certification.

Choose your learning format:

New Everything DiSC Certification

New Catalyst Everything DiSC Certification. Become a DiSC Trainer.


Help People Work Better Together as an Everything DiSC® Certified Practitioner

At the heart of your organization are thousands of human interactions. These interactions make up what we know as organizational culture. However, as the world of work becomes more reliant on technology, your organization has been challenged to recreate the authentic human connection that drives engagement and performance.

As an Everything DiSC Certified Practitioner, you’ll help your organization engage and connect people on a more human level by delivering impactful DiSC experiences that help people work better together. During this two-week course that combines virtual, instructor-led sessions with self-directed online learning, you will:

Deepen your understanding of the DiSC model, theory, research, and key principles
Explore how to build custom solutions using the all-new Everything DiSC on Catalyst experience
Familiarize yourself with the full Everything DiSC application suite
Practice facilitation techniques while receiving feedback in a safe environment
Gain ongoing access to Wiley’s online training center, connecting you to course content, fellow Practitioners, and Wiley’s education specialists

Upon successful completion of the exam, you will earn the credential of Everything DiSC Certified Practitioner, signaling proven competence in shaping an engaged, collaborative, and high-performing culture—knowledgeable in the language of DiSC.

Take the next step!

Ask about Upcoming Classes, Everything DiSC Certification Program or DiSC Assessments

I use the insights I have gained from DISC training ALL of the time. I'm very appreciative that we require it for every employee. It's been enormously helpful.

Jersey City | Wiley Disc Assessment

Stephanie Daniels, Division Director of the Department of Health & Human Services

City of Jersey City

Disc Certification Training | Everything Disc Certification
WBE | Wiley Disc Assessment
Disc Certification Training | Wiley Disc Assessment

We are proud to be a M/WBE Certified Diverse Supplier!

Testimonials For In Our Shoes

Marisa, this was a great engaging experience for myself and all staff. We will be talking about it for a long time! It was very helpful to be aware of others work styles and how to be patient with others in spite of differing opinions.  I especially appreciated the small group interactive exercises. Thank you for such a positive experience!

Tanya Marione | Disc Certification Training

Tanya Marione, Director of the Department of City Planning

City of Jersey City

The DiSC program has provided the tools for our team of Directors to help us gain a better understanding of working styles, others strengths’ and the challenges that cover typical work scenarios. It’s amazing how accurate the assessment analysis was. Marisa is highly knowledgeable and an engaging facilitator.

Joanne Rosa | Everything Disc Certification

Joanne Rosa, Director of Human Resources

City of Jersey City

Everything DiSC Certification, DiSC Assessments, Training NYC, Philadelphia, DC

Our Mission

Empowering professionals to own their authority and increase their impact in their careers.

In Our Shoes is a professional and leadership development training and coaching practice based in the New York City ( NYC )tri-state region with a global professional community. Our team consists of former corporate leaders with leadership development expertise. We deliver high-engagement in-person and virtual motivational programs and DiSC assessments.

Proud to be an MWBE Diverse Supplier!


Training and Coaching Inquiries

Speaking and Media Inquiries

In Our Shoes LLC

PO Box 240

New Jersey, 07747




© Copyright 2025.  In Our Shoes® LLC. All Rights Reserved.

In Our Shoes LLC ® is a professional development and career workplace training and career leadership coaching practice based in the New York City tri-state region.  We deliver management and staff development training, team development training, keynote speakers for women's leadership events, career coaching services, career leadership coaching, career coaching programs,  resume services, leadership training, communication skills training, soft skills training, people skills training, career leadership skills, presentation skill training, people-skills, career counseling, leadership classroom workshops, career seminars, leadership webinars, women's leadership keynote events, diversity and inclusion programs, Disc assessments, networking events, keynote speakers, Wiley Everything DiSC assessments, facilitated trainings and certifications. We are an authorized partner of Wiley Everything DiSC.
All content and materials available on (In Our Shoes LLC), including but not limited to Gutsy Leadership® ,The Gutsy Leadership ® System school., Gutsy Leadership® Academy, text, graphics, website name, code, images and logos are the intellectual property of, and are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law. Any inappropriate use, including but not limited to the reproduction, distribution, display or transmission of any content on this site is strictly prohibited, unless specifically authorized by In Our Shoes® LLC., Gutsy Leadership® All Rights Reserved. Gutsy Leadership is a registered trademark of the United States Patent and Trademark Office in the United States of America. Reg. No. 5,411,143 Int. Cl.:41 In Our Shoes is a registered trademark of the United States Patent and Trademark Office in the United States of America. Reg. No. 6,184,599 Int. Cl.:41

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