You’re ready to step into a position with significantly more responsibility, yet harboring a fear of failure and not doing it “perfectly”? Professionals often share that although they are qualified, have the experience and the skillsets, there is also a fear of challenges, and taking that project to the finish line.
If you too tend to retreat, find yourself shuffling your feet in procrastination or even go into reclusiveness taking a heads-down “I’ll just wait another year until I’m ready” approach, this week’s video is for you.
“If I can’t do it perfectly, I might as well not try.” is a common belief the ego will have you subscribe to if you let it.
Here’s how to overcome perfectionism and embrace fear as a necessary stepping stone to any form of success.
Leave a COMMENT below! What’s one action you can take in your career right now which will have you to step into your fear?
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