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**Prerequisite: Audio Lesson delivered upon registration!

You will be given access to a one of many one hour calls Marisa Santoro has led for women who aim to move to a new level in their career, make more money, gain more experience with the freedom to ask for what they want in business especially if you work in an aggressive or male-dominated enviroment.
You may not accept the following statement, but it is something you absolutely need to hear if you plan on making a mark in your professional career to advance yourself. That is, that you are a ONE-WOMAN SHOW and everyone and every situation is up for grabs and a very real opportunity for you to see change. Today the work game has changed and your purpose in life is to self-promote. I know, flying under the radar, doing your thing, getting your job done, making great friends along the way has served you well. I get it, but self-promotion does not have to be standing on a podium with a megaphone. Self-promotion is about working on your inner game first, because if you’re like I was once, I didn’t always feel like I had alot to offer in my early career. I knew I was good at what I did, but when I considered taking on more reponsibility, managing people, putting my neck on the line to make deadlines – I’d often cringe, selling myself short because I had convinced myself I simply wasn’t ready to take on more or worse qualified! I know where you are right now, so I’m going to make this super easy for you.
Yep, that’s right. if you’re waiting for that golden moment where you wake up one day, lit up, glowing heading to work and saying “Today is the day I am finally ready to take on a new higher-level role because I now KNOW IT ALL and can do it!”. Then you have reached the stage where you are too comfortable and are short changing yourself. You should go for something better.
I’m going to boil it down to 3 simple signs you should watch out for to know you can take on a new position when your mind says “I can’t! I am not ready!”
1. You feel uncomfortable.
2. You feel nervous and excited at the same time.
3. You feel like you’re settling for less, where you work now.
I promise, you are not stuck. If you’re a low key personality then self-promotion can tap into your inner cow girl. If you’re a boisterous personality, then self-promotion can balance you to a quieter confidence level to make others notice. Join us on this free one hour call where you will be delivered an audio soundbyte lesson to listen to before the tele-class to get your juices flowing and ready to discuss your self-promotion challenges with others “in your shoes” a la Masterminding.
Register here!
(This is also a subscription to receiving upcoming notes on this Teleseminar)
With love and lots of gutsiness,