What if you can go from a low-key SME role to a global position where you are leading with influence and making a positive impact in your carere?
Meet Kia, Senior Director of Literacy and Development transforming global education. In this podcast interview, learn how Kia went through the Gutsy Leadership System as a reserved mindful professional who “maxed out” in her current role at a local learning education practice finding nowhere to grow in her career. Kia was confident and knew her value. She also always led with a strategic mind but she struggled with visibility and redefining her role to becoming a more impactful senior leader. Learn how she consistently pushed herself as someone who cringed from the spotlight to recalibrating, and selling herself authentically towards her ideal executive and global role. It wasn’t until Kia locked in for herself what her vision looked like, that the flood gates opened where she attracted the opportunities and resources that were aligned with where she saw her greatest potential.
“I’m happy with being a behind-the-scenes person and getting the work done. Not as comfortable with being the person in the spotlight, even though I had to. “
“But when you are, you begin thinking about what you want that next step to look like…and put yourself in different situations and try things that would be a little uncomfortable. And so going through, the gutsy
playbook and really focusing on getting myself mentally in that space where I was really comfortable with being uncomfortable, allowed the change to happen.”– Kia Brown-Dudley

Before I forget, I want to be sure you know about my audio leadership course (it’s free) that’s designed to help you own your authority in your career and it works. It’s based on two decades of leading in Corporate America, (I’m a former Wall St. Executive) and those professionals I coach here at In Our Shoes. Now onto persuading your audience…
If you consider yourself someone on the low-key or introversion spectrum, listening to Kia’s story will inspire you to keep moving the walls to begin your own gutsy breakthrough, on your terms. You will also learn several powerful gutsy strategies such as how to let go of the script, go from speaking to 40 people to 400 people in the room, pulling it together when anxiety creeps in and so much more. Gutsy Leadership – it’s a mindset thing.
Listen to the podcast:
The Confidence Formula: 101 Ways to Communicate with Clarity at Work. Download our FREE Report

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Grab a notebook, sit back with a cup of tea, coffee or glass of wine and listen in! Learn more below.