Happy New Year! I’m excited to kick off 2019 with you. It’s time to *set priorities* on your WHAT so we can get to work on your HOW.
It is January 8, 2020, what would have to happen for us to say: “I designed a life I loved…
Sending another gutsy podcast your way below to maximize (and multiply) your message, whether you are working for an organization or growing a consultancy or small business. I’ve done both and can’t think of a better way to get started where this year you are turning up the volume. I promise you, you won’t hear this strategy in any communication skills workshop. I don’t mince words. I’m all about “here’s the 1-2-3 steps you need to do because it works.” Not feel good advice that sounds great, but not practical enough for you to wrap your head around and simply implement.
Shall you join me in creating your year of RESILIENCE? But first your gutsy homework exercise: listen to your podcast.
Here’s to a new year filled with abundance. You’ve got this.