A new gutsy leader resource coming your way! I just wrapped up a podcast with host, Sara Greco who runs LEAD INTO IT where she interviewed me on how professionals can better communicate with intention. So many people are asking how they can have more courage, step into their fears, raise their influence and gain more recognition, that I felt this message is so needed right now. Gutsy Leadership is based on leading in times of uncertainty, conflict, and fear especially when you feel a lack of clarity or intention.
Communication was always important, but now it is KING. You are being called to beef up your network in new and different ways and demonstrate how you are not an individual expert contributor, but a strategic thinker who can deliver more value with high impact. Whether you are seeking to advance to a more senior level role or now find yourself facing-off to senior level leaders, how you are perceived and how you communicate in your business relationships will be crucial to your success.
Sara asked some pretty powerful questions which get straight to the point – the paint points that is. This will absolutely support you. You can listen to my interview with Sara here on: iTunes , Spotify or Podbean. here
More to come and enjoy and be sure to leave a comment. I’d LOVE to hear from you.

The TOP 5 Strategies to Lead with Influence in your Career.[FREE AUDIO TRAINING]https://inrshoes.com/leadwithinfluence/