3 Bold Moves to Breakthrough your Fear of Failure and Looking Foolish. Learn how to kick them to the curb and Take Action!
We often hear fear shows up when you’re suddenly facing off to senior management. There’s also a fear of gender or racial bias. Maybe you harbor a fear of stepping up into a new role and there’s a lurking fear of more responsibility- eek!.
Fear isn’t going away unless we as a human race can read minds, predict the future and control every outcome to how we desire. But there are some quick ways to slay fear and whittle it down for what it is, a negative outcome that we project into the future.
Here are three ways to embrace fear and move the wall so you can design a career (and life!) that you L-O-V-E. Leave a COMMENT below! How is fear holding you back from owning your authority in your career?
Ready to Lead with Influence in your career? Download the TOP 5 Strategies to Breakthrough your Fears!