“It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.”― Moliere
Most of us don’t wake up in the morning seeking an accountability tap on the shoulder – “Did you DO what you said you would DO? Did you follow through on that phone call?”
Still those I coach often share how much they NEED and appreciate this uncomfortable nudge to make their stated commitments. It’s not that they don’t have family or friends who care, they need the guidance first and the follow-up to ensure they continue to accelerate towards the goals they’ve set for themselves. If what you wanted was easy, everyone would be doing it, right? Gutsy Leadership is taking action in spite of the discomfort and because of it. We want the challenge. We want to feel that sense of achievement. We want to share our struggles and proud ME moments later on when we dust ourselves off. As gutsy leaders we want to GROW. Accountability is having a Growth Mindset consistently.
You’ll find the real value in any coaching program is really in the accountability factor. The stats show that most people are more productive when they have a stated deadline. If you knew I’m going to ask you on our next call about the commitment you promised to make, you’ll accomplish a whole lot more; plus I take copious notes and will be following up on what we spoke about. ; )
I’d like you to meet April a recent gutsy leader graduate. In a recent session, April shared the negative self-talk she often struggled with, including talking herself out of opportunities at work. Have you ever said to yourself – “I know the ideal jobs or clients are out there, but I just need to meet the RIGHT people at the RIGHT time? Maybe, but preparation meets fortune first. It’s time to make your own fortune which you can through mindset and some step-by-step action that’s proven to work called Self-Promotion.
There’s a reason why we’ve made Self-Promotion the foundation of the Gusty Leadership System and core module of the ALL ACCESS PASS self-paced coaching program.
So I gave April a gutsy challenge: find a way to create opportunities other than the traditional ways we all do (seeking formal job postings, job fairs) to make yourself visible and highlight what you deliver. Less than two weeks later, read on to learn what she created, following her gut.
Soon after April decided to sign-up and participate in an African-American parade over the weekend with some of her colleagues. She didn’t know what to expect, but she knew she was stepping outside of her comfort zone trying something NEW and DIFFERENT. April soon found herself walking next to one of her executive leaders which she used as an opening to speak with him later on and introduce herself personally including what she delivers in terms of her value at her organization. Now, she’s planted the seeds to make herself memorable and can take that conversation away, any which way she wants from there. Since that out-of-office human connection, I’ve encouraged April to follow up with an in-office business connection through an outlook invite requesting either a coffee chat, dropping a quick e-mail, and in coming months sending a happy Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, and/or Christmas.
Q – Does April have to be African-American to march in that parade? Are men not allowed to attend women’s leadership events? Would I tell you not to attend a primarily all-boys golf outing, because you’re a woman? Create the opportunity, and get really creative while doing it, so you STAND OUT.
Mindset shift – as a professional expert in your field, you know who your clients are, I don’t need to point them out. The opportunities will come when you set the intention to find them. Truly genuine self-promotion is not about them, it’s really about YOU. Yet we get so caught up in how people perceive us, whether anything worthwhile will come out of it, whether we belong in conversations or meetings and whether we add any value, it then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. As long as you hold onto this limiting mindset, you cannot market your results which is what personal branding really means.
So, the next time someone asks: so what is it that you do? before you respond with the textbook answer, take a pregnant pause and first answer the more relevant question of: How do I want to be perceived? Give them the highlights of who you serve and what you deliver, and do it with passion and purpose.
Leave a COMMENT below! What’s one action you can take in your career right now where you can create an opportunity to market yourself?
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