Hi everyone!
Many have reached out asking for the TED talk video I led on the theme RESILIENCE. Normally it would have been available early April, however with the current health crisis and the fact that the college where I held that talk is now the major COVID-19 testing site, it’s release will be delayed.
I am sharing some photos from that TED talk, which was fantastic. Truly an amazing experience and grateful opportunity to share a message that I believe can (and has) change the world. Many thanks for all of your celebratory e-mails following my last note. I was pulled aside by a few professors afterwards who asked if they can use some of my strategies from my talk inside their lessons. And by no coincidence because like-minded energy is never random, you may recall my topic was on communication. Lo’ and behold look what awaited me upon my exit from the building when I decided to look down. It was a gutsy reminder to what being “on purpose” can feel like. The Latin word: “VOCARE” = “VOCATION” means being called to do something. It’s too easily taken for granted, this gutsy guidance system of ours, nudging us along in life.
When you are doing what you are supposed to do in this life, the universe gifts you with sweet bonuses such as people, resources, opportunities. Nothing is ever random.