3 facts about us humans
-We overestimate the size of risks.
-We underestimate our abilities to handle something new.
-We downplay the cost of inaction.
Many of you have shared on our coaching calls that while you recognize there will always be some level of fear behind moving to a new role or making a career change, you also recognize that staying where you are does not serve you.
Hence, you become stuck.
Here’s how I’ve seen professionals overestimate the size of risks and underestimate their abilities to handle something new.
The new role and responsibilities are new, you’ve not been trained yet or know the inner workings of that business area very well. You are only 60% ready!
You’ve done your job too well and are now looked upon to become more of a strategic thinker leading others with your vision. Problem: you’ve never had this opportunity before, at least formally anyway.
You feel confident in your vision and how you can impact change, but as it’s a new role, you fear the risk of failure.

Before I forget, I want to be sure you know about my leadership audio mini audio course (it’s free) that’s designed to help you own your authority in your career by applying 5 top strategies and it works. It’s based on two decades of leading in Corporate America, (I’m a former Wall St. Executive) and those professionals I coach here at In Our Shoes.
Over to the third fact about us humans, downplaying the cost of inaction, aahhhhh yes, that’s a tricky one.
Downplaying the cost of inaction is so subtle and yet has the greatest hold over us, keeping us stuck and let’s face it, passive.
The costs to inaction: Time lost from sitting on your hands, waiting for some event to happen first. We call this Conditional Living.
“I’ll take the new role when I’m certified or when I finish my MBA or when something tangible is offered to me such as a job offer. Only then will I make the jump.”

Feeling stress, burnout, lack of energy even at times isolation – any of these or all of the above can serve as a wake up call from weighing on you.
If this sounds like you, I invite you to consider how that spills over into your personal life, in your home and with your family. If you have children, what are they observing when they see you feeling down sometimes or overhear your lack of fulfillment while you’re just venting on the phone with mom or your partner. I speak from personal experience and I get it. I’ve been there. There is no shame or blame, we are all human.
I can’t tell you how many nights I burned the phone lines with my mom when I first considered leaving the only home I had known for twenty years and where I grew up professionally – Wall Street.
The same applied when I began my divorce.
“If I stay, what is the cost to my mental health and my children….?”
I invite you to create your go-to Energy Toolkit.
How about taking Imperfect Action?
We all desire and deserve freedom in our careers, but the freedom I speak to, is not really related to your profession.
I’m talking about spiritual freedom.
Spiritual freedom comes with some disruption in your life.
A pattern interrupt. Snap out of it to break the limiting belief cycle.
As your coach, I’m here to keep you honest. If we’re being honest and you recognize in yourself any of the three thought streams below showing up in your life, (don’t kill the messenger here), they are preventing you from acting on something that you feel in every bone of your body would be a really good thing for you.
- We overestimate the size of risks.
- We underestimate our abilities to handle something new.
- We downplay the cost of inaction.
Self-awareness btw, is your greatest super power.
I invite you to answer the call and give yourself the ‘Yes’ and move into action.
Not “jump off cliffs” kind of action. Small incremental action.
Create micro ambitious goals for yourself and inch your way to the life that you want.
I’m talking about making gutsy moves on a daily basis, where you are disrupting the old way of thinking about your career and stepping into some level of fear on a regular basis.
What gutsy moves are you making in your career (and life)?
What does your intuition say is the next best decision for you?
No change delivers no new results. That’s how it works.
I’m setting an intention that you wake up everyday being willing to step into some small area of discomfort so you can G-R-O-W.
To your gutsy moves,

Own Your Authority. Advance Your Career.
Learn the 5 TOP strategies to command respect and recognition in your career.
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