(hint: it’s a human attribute)
Meet Luis, someone I had coached a few years ago. Back then, he had implemented every gutsy strategy I asked him to apply. He secured a new senior role, in a new industry and in an new city in less than 3 months. I can still recall him calling me on the road when he was driving down South on moving day. He got the job offer and I was glowing with joy!
It was just a matter of time, he was totally focused.
Most recently Luis decided to repackage himself as the asset he now values himself to be, and seek another senior role – one that would raise his salary and level. This one he landed even quicker and he did it by applying a strategy that speaks to our human desire and yet so many of us pretend not to know it. Our gutsy curious nature. Read on to learn how Luis leveraged this in his career in the most random setting.
Before I forget, I want to be sure you know about my leadership audio mini audio course (it’s free) that’s designed to help you own your authority in your career by applying 5 top strategies and it works. It’s based on two decades of leading in Corporate America, (I’m a former Wall St. Executive) and those professionals I coach here at In Our Shoes.
We are all Born with a Natural Curiosity in Others

Take a look at children. Have you ever put a new object on the table and NOT seen them salivate as they advance, counting the seconds until they can get their little hands around it to “figure it out”? They also have no filter when it comes to asking questions. They don’t care if you turn red or step away pretending that they don’t belong to you. It’s ok, I’ve been there. And unfortunately it doesn’t work. ; )
As adults that curiosity gene of ours has not changed. When Luis landed a senior role the first time around, I told him to keep an eye out for strangers. Because the next job he gets will not come from a friend or family member. It will come from a person he barely knows, a casual acquaintance if you will.
Well guess what? One day, he was at the gym working out and he noticed a guy he sees once in a while, also a member at the club.
The guy seemed to enjoy making chit chat with him. Before he left the locker room, he turned to Luis and said “Hey man, if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to reach out.”
Right on cue, guess what Luis did?
He asked. He asked if he could send his resume over, explaining he had just started looking for a new job.
The guy, being curious, asked a few questions about Luis’ line of work and what he enjoyed doing.
Fast-forward a few weeks later. This perfectly kind stranger and unpaid sales agent, forwarded his resume to the recruitment department at his corporation and Luis…well you know how this story ends.
Luis fast-tracked to a new senior role by working the core human principle of curiosity.
The gym guy was curious about him. Luis was curious enough to ask and see what happens. The HR department was curious to meet Luis and Luis is now in his new role with increased income and influence.
Approach anyone and anything with the curiosity of a 5-year old.
Curiosity leads to many unforeseen opportunities. You gain new perspectives about people and circumstances not to mention improved relationships because you took the time to get know someone.

When you think about curiosity another way, aren’t you more playful and free when you enter any gathering or event without any expectations of necessarily having a good time?
What if you’re dating? Aren’t you curious about the other person you’re seeing? Could he or she be THE ONE? There’s an element of excitement and our need to connect with someone.

Your gutsy action item this week is to BE CURIOUS.
Open yourself up to new experiences, new people, ask a question you would never ask, engage with a curious child!
Be curious.
Pretty easy, right?
As always to your gutsy moves. This is INSIDE-OUT leadership. Silence the mind that needs to control every possible result and lead with a “WHAT IF” curiosity, unattached to the outcome.
If there’s one thing I know, is that there is something that has been calling you for some time now. You are being called to pursue your fullest potential, doing purposeful work that you enjoy and which makes a difference.
I know this, because we’re connected here. (It’s ok, I know we haven’t met – but you get what I mean.)
To your gutsy moves and curiosity….hmmm, I wonder who you will meet today?!

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