- I know women who are superstars in their careers but are without a family or partner to share their success with.
- I know women who wish they could divorce, but can’t afford to be single with children on their own.
- I know women that never fail a project but refuse to take credit for their shiny score card at work.
If you look over your shoulder and find a really successful woman who appears to have it all, look closer and know that such a being doesn’t exist. Clinging to a natural order of things in life is not natural. The sooner you accept life’s imperfections, the sooner you can embrace and soar into career shoes you’ll enjoy with ease and passion.
Maybe you’re the kind of girl that has the perfect dinner table set each night as you see me sitting at below. Perhaps you have the perfect office space,where paper clips are color categorized inside their respective bins. I’d like to think I’m living the life you see me modeling below (a la Martha Stewart) with my perfectly organized desk and oh so tidy cupboard at arm’s reach behind me.
The Perfect Office.
Gladly dear readers, I am happy to report that I do not “have it all” as you see me here pictured. Who has the time, especially as a single mom like myself? The sooner I accepted that fact, the sooner I was able to embark on a successful journey living a life I was passionate about doing what I love in everyday chaos across countries: inspiring, supporting and empowering women in career shoes they L-O-V-E. “Think outside the box”, they say. Toss the box sister, we’re going boundaryless.
The Perfect Dinner Table.
Isn’t it Lovely?
You’re not going to like this, but as your trusted Shoe Hostess, you need to listen up:
perfectionism doesn’t inspire people and at some point it has held you back in your career.
The people you work with will not be motivated to perform well with or for you if they sniff out your Little Miss Perfect gene. They will not be inspired to think creatively and will not remain committed to working in your midst for the long haul.
Why is this important while seated in your shoes? Because if you’ve got your eye set on raising your rank at your workplace or breaking out on your own one day, you need to forget perfect and get ready to make as many mistakes as you can.
The good news is as women we are laser focused and task oriented which is why we can be counted on to get the job done.
The bad news is, this can cause us to miss the big picture and think long term passing up opportunity in our careers.
If a man is given an opportunity to advance and is only 40% ready, he doesn’t think twice, he will take the new gig. If a woman is presented the same opportunity and feels she is not ready, she will pass and wait to get picked until she has perfected the skills necessary to fill those new shoes.
Newsflash: men don’t wait to get picked because they don’t aim for perfection. They just shoot.
I know you have your eye on a career that’s fulfilling to you, where you will feel appreciated and confident in the expertise you have gained. Now that we’ve crystallized what your end game is, I’m here to tell you that you are not allowed to think on it any longer. Start doing towards career shoes you will love.
Forget perfect it’s an unrealistic bar you’ve concocted while buried in the details. You will learn to make the right call once you’ve embraced the experimental, trying new approaches to working with people that will recognize your passion in business.
Because it’s your passion (not perfection) which will move and inspire people.
Ready to hit the road, inspired and empowered in your career shoes? Seminar programming next held in London at Kings College of London November 3 or 10th. Pick your Saturday.