Back in the day when I was very green inching up in Corporate America, if someone gave me a compliment on my hair, dress or some deliverable I had churned out with my best sweated effort, most times I felt awkward and pretty antsy about taking the godforsaken compliment. I’m sure there are plenty of psychology books out there oozing with explanation on this reaction from women (versus men). The act of shoo-ing away praise that is.


But as your Shoe Hostess, I’m not here to tell you why we women think and do these bizarre things.  I’m here to say. Nay, I’m here to shout that

if someone gives me a compliment today I’ll straighten up, look them square on and say: “thank you“.

I may also follow it up with a brief nod of acceptance. Work it like the Queen would as she looks on into the crowd approvingly.


With that said dear readers, I share some In Our Shoes news. I’ve received word today from the editors of BlogHer.

I’m proud to shout out that I’ve been featured on their What’s hot section of BlogHer’s Career channel this week for my posts on Soft Skills bringing Sexy back and  One Shot at Resume/CV success. So if you’ve missed them last month, be sure to take a peek and thank you, BlogHer!


It’s the 12th day of the year. Have you celebrated your sweet successes yet?   Do share at and I’ll shout it out and link back to you here on In Our Shoes!  It’s time.

It’s time for you to take a bow.

A bit of inspiration I picked up when visiting the British Library in London  from the man who brought us Sherlock Holmes:

“I am tending my little literary sprouts and making them into cabbages” – Arthur Conan Doyle in a letter to his mother regarding the progress he’s made as a writer.



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