If you listened to the teleseminar call I held recently, it is in STEP 8.
It’s called: Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask !
Last week I held a [highlight]2-hour intensive strategy session [/highlight]with Cassandra from Atlanta who is a Corporate Merchandising Buyer. We went DEEP on ways in which she was not selling herself enough, recognizing all the expertise and skills she has under her belt which she was either downplaying or sweeping under the rug. I can immediately sense when someone isn’t showcasing her track record enough, giving herself credit and stuck in that perfection paralysis which we as women are often held back by.
Wrapping up our call with a step-by-step action plan, updated resume, scripts on what to say, accountability and a laundry list of action items I gave her to act on immediately, Cassandra did everything I told her to do and she started with ASKING.
The very next day back in her office, she saw an announcement about some training being scheduled for managers. Her company is downsizing right now and previously she just assumed with budget cuts and so forth they would not pay for her. Worse, she had been taking similar training classes and paying out of her own pocket. No more. She approached her senior manager and said
“This training looks like a perfect fit for me. I’d like to enroll. Would you approve my training?”
Before the end of the day, she had an email waiting for her from that manager with the YES. She enrolled right away and the next day, guess what else? She received TWO phone calls from managers who had been sitting on her resume for weeks, but immediately reached out apologizing for taking so long and when can they meet with her for an interview?
This isn’t magic. You see, by owning your value and asking for what you want (on a daily basis) you are standing your ground and saying to your spirit “I deserve happiness and success”.
Cassandra received the YES from 3 people right away not only because she kept in motion and took gutsy action but because she said YES to herself.
She said “I can do this. I deserve more and will not settle for life happening to me. I can create what I want.”
Once you give yourself the YES, take action right away, let go and remain in high expectation, that’s went things begin to happen. That’s when you receive more than you ask for. I cover this in STEP 4 of the teleseminar replay.
Some Will. Some Won’t. So What? Someone is always waiting!
What do you think I will be coaching Cassandra to ask for, next?
To be reimbursed for the training she previously paid for on her own. Plus paying partially for the investment she made to work with me.
Even if they say No, it doesn’t matter. You strengthen yourself and you shift to a no nonsense, “I am worth it” attitude which anyone can feel energetically. The best part is, you don’t even have to say a word. They feel it. They get it and they get you very quickly before you speak.
Should you be interested in that teleseminar replay (take lots of notes, but I give you lifetime access) sign up below. If you too are interested in a strategy session in coming weeks when we reopen bookings, email Grace at info@inrshoes.com and she’ll send you all the information.
p.s. don’t forget to mention you are on this newsletter so she gives you the discounted pricing!
Have a beautiful weekend. I hope Cassandra’s story and this message supports you. You are not a body who has a beautiful spirit. You are a beautiful spirit and soul in a physical body who was put on this earth to align with her greatest joy.
So much love, you are always supported. Just say YES. 🙂