You read right, sometimes you just need to embrace your inner pirate. Traveling through the UK this past Spring was a live stage show called “The Pirate Project”. Had I been anywhere inside Queen Elizabeth’s kingdom, I would have gotten a backstage pass to meeting the women writers behind the curtain.

The creator of this show decided to dig up some research on true historical female pirates showcasing their behaviors as what today’s women need and want more of.

You look at women pirates, and you think, pirates don’t say: “I’m sorry.” – The Guardian


They direct: “Go get that loot off the ship now and have it sorted out. I’ll be over to collect it.” They don’t apologize or self-examine. They don’t say “Did I sound too harsh? Will anyone like me on the next voyage when smuggling goods?



On Monday night, In Our Shoes was extended an invite by Paramount Motion Pictures to the pre-screening movie of Katy Perry’s “Part of Me”. After the show, I was asked for an interview of what I most enjoyed in the film. That was easy. I told them it was inspiring to learn that Katy Perry who had received her first guitar at age thirteen, began writing songs playing from her heart, later knocked on the door of an influential record producer in LA one night and insisted she play him one of her songs. He was stunned but he listened and later was quoted by Katy Perry as the man responsible for her career as the famous singer/songwriter she is today. That’s how taken aback he was by her talent and her passion for music.

It’s all about the gutsy moves. Noone is going to raise their hand and say it for you. Noone is going to do it for you.

There’s a reason why we chose the killer red shoe as the logo for In Our Shoes. It’s not a message to promote sexy swagger while we women are going about our business. It’s to send a message about smart ambitious women like us. We are beautiful, we are feminine, we are strong and we are all about making gutsy moves in a non-aggressive way. It’s an alluring radiant symbol which shouts: “I know what I want, and I’m not giving up until I get it.


If you decide to start making gutsy moves towards a career you love without changing who you are, you will find the doors flying open to get you there. If you’re ready to put yourself out there but unsure of what action you should take that’s “killer shoe” worthy, reach out and I will coach you through it. I’ve made gutsy moves where my hands were shaking or I was fully prepared for rejection.

The reality is, the chances of someone saying ‘No‘ or ‘Never‘ or ‘I don’t want to hear from you again‘ are pretty slim.

There are lots of subtle ways where you can ask for what you want without feeling or appearing pushy. So here’s the easy part: what is it that you want? It’s time to go and get it.

Ready to join us in the Dream Shoe Seminar?

NY just closed, London is open.