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Hi there,
Another GUTSY PODCAST on RESILIENCE coming your way today. Sit back and relax – this one’s an hour, with a TON of valuable career advice that will keep you motivated especially if you consider yourself more of the low-key “under the radar” type of person. Listen in – you’re getting more visible whether you like it or not. ; ) You’ll also meet another member of our gutsy village who went through the Gutsy Leadership System and never looked back.
One thing I’ve noticed over the last twenty years from coaching people is that as humans we can easily disregard the fact that when we take no action, we are still in action. We often forget that. Yet isn’t that the language your leadership wants you to speak in? They don’t only want you to talk about the the RESULTS and BENEFITS. They expect you to tell them the RISKS. For example: “What is going to happen if we DON’T go in this direction? Is there a real opportunity lost if we DON’T spend x amount of budget on this and use the money somewhere else?” So those NO-ACTION actions are a very real thing you want to keep present even as you are communicating in business.
Consider your NO-ACTION actions, which may be working against you in your life. These are the things you are not doing, which are hurting your chances at opportunities and conversations you should be having right now. I’m speaking of the situations when you’ve been silent, when you did not chime in with an idea, agree to disagree or make that phone call and ask for what you needed, in spite of your gut nudging you otherwise.
Each time you muffle your GGS (Gutsy Guidance System) you’re making a choice. You are choosing to do nothing, which can later turn out to look like something very different and unwelcome from what you’ve imagined. You’re choosing to say “My words don’t matter, so I’ll just remain small and silent” which offers people no insight into your value and what you bring to the table. No judgement call, we have all been there. The key to creating change is to first have clarity on what needs to be changed. You’ve got this.
How do you want to be perceived?
It’s April 24, 2019, tell me where you are in three months? Successful people measure their success. Grab a journal, write yourself a letter, date it three months from today and put in the mail. Tell me exactly where is. You set your GGS, I’ll do the rest. 🙂 Let’s keep it real – a realistic stretch, but not something that will freeze you.
Remember, if you’re feeling excited and nervous at the same time by even thinking of that next career move, you are right where you need to be. That’s your instinct speaking and it’s calling you to GROW a la those gutsy moves.
Your gutsy homework exercise: listen to your next GUTSY PODCAST. Take notes and commit to implementing at least one thing, in the next week.
Earlier Podcasts you may have missed:
Maximize (and Multiply!) your Message
Interview with Wall Street IT Director Annette Stewart
Gutsy Success step by step Formula with Life Coach Antonio Santiago
Speak to you soon, and drop me a line on any topics you want to hear in our future podcasts!

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