“Walking like a one man army

Fighting with the shadows in your head

Living out the same old moment

Knowing you’d be better off instead” -John Mayer.


Had I the time this week, I’d hunt for some great thinkers and philosophers who had much to say on this subject. Instead I was pulled into quite another direction.


There’s a regular online column in the UK’s Guardian Observer section that interviews famous somebodies and then publishes their “wisdom” under the headline: “This much I know”. As far as I know, I haven’t been hunted down by any Guardian editors, but here’s my spin on it. This week it helped to find some of  *me*.

This much I know: Marisa Santoro

Noone ever got anywhere by being a one man army. Placing down the ego defense armor doesn’t make me less independent, it means I need help.


As humans we are creatures of habit. That poses a problem for my bucket list which holds a few dozen game changers at the moment.


The law of attraction holds everywhere in everything we’ve done. It’s why there’s really no room for regret.


Children don’t cost us money, they have us look in the mirror and ask : “What’s next?


If I had the chance to open my own shop, it would be called “Atelier”; forming communion among creative spirits with sumptious prepared comfort food.


Everyone has a bizarre fetish they keep under the table. Mine is collecting doors – photos that is. The more rustic and bruised and paint chipped the better. I’d like to share a red door with someone one day. I’m still waiting for my red door whisperer.


If I had more time on my hands, I’d be working in a third world country teaching children to read.


Beach vacations are only good if you mix with the native villagers and learn their story. Isn’t it offensive otherwise to just borrow their land for thrills?


My Six words: Escape flight travel write to unite.


Interesting fact I’m curious about: They say it takes 21 days to unprogram any one of your bad habits. I’d love to unwire my Impatience.


Where my name came from: Marisa is originally from Spain and is a combination of Maria and Luisa.


I’m a sucker for, clever conversation. Billy Joel was all wrong. I need to work that hard.

The real deal at the Guardian:  This much I know.Enough


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