What is the Gutsy Move?
Play (10 minutes)
If you have just landed here at In Our Shoes, you will find I cover a lot of ground about the quintessential Gutsy Moves and why today’s woman needs to embrace them at all times.
Going gutsy, is not about turning Code Red on your boss pounding their desk for your next bonus or straying from your femininity.
In the audio soundbyte above, I share what it takes to jumpstart you on the path to start making Gutsy Moves. Good news. It’s not black magic and you don’t need to tap your heels three times to figure it out. It’s what every successful leader and/or entrepreneur has said is the number one footprint you need to make towards a career you love – enjoy.
*Friday, November 2 In Our Shoes arrives in London, inspired to finally meet all of the smart driven women in our UK community. * Free Inspiring event November 8th in the heart of London (near St. Paul’s tube). RSVP LifeCoach@InRShoes.com *
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