3 steps to unlocking your Linkedin Profile or
your About me page or
your resume or
your cover letter or
your book proposal or
your first phone call with a prospective employer…
If I were to do a surprise inspection of any one of the above sales sheets of yours, what would I find?
Often during my monthly calls I have with students I’m asked “but Marisa, how do I stand out on Linkedin?!! How do I get people to reach out to me?” or “I see people checking me out, but not reaching out?”
I’m probably going to date myself here, but back when I first began using LinkedIn, no one had barely heard of it. In fact, if anyone was on there, it was mainly corporate professionals. Now we see anyone and everyone from healthcare to education has a presence. When my sister who is a nurse logged on finally, I realized at long last – Linkedin has finally come into its own collapsing the 6 degrees of separation to possibly one or two!
Recently, a former client asked for a quick hit list, of what to say on her Linkedin Profile and so here I am in your inbox.
Rather than dig through our monthly coaching call collection of audio recordings, I’m sending you the 1-2-3 steps to attract anyone you want in your career or business on LinkedIn or other.

Download your Assignment (PDF)
Learn the 3 major steps you need to take stand out and attract others to you using any Sales sheet.
We value your privacy and would never spam you
Say what you need to say. Stick to the script and learn my secret sauce in 3 simple steps to kick in your gutsy high-attractor factor profile to PULL others into learning more about you and learning what you do.
And if for any reason we're not linked in yet, the time has come. Be sure to connect with me there- consider it part B of this homework assignment.
big squeeze ,
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"How successful you are, is based on how included you make people feel in the room. It’s our core human need for love and acceptance." - Marisa Santoro, founder of www.inrshoes.com and Gutsy Leadership Academy.