SignedUpEventsLet’s face it, as women we have the gift for gab. It all comes down to our brain makeup, with several engines firing simultaneously, we pride ourselves in being great communicators not to mention multi-taskers on steroids, juggling all that we do in our career, family and home shoes. While this may make for great productivity, this doesn’t exactly bode well when faced with the female stigma of being “too chatty” at work.

Office chit-chat is fine but have you mastered the art of “short and sweet” when speaking to management or those who can influence your career ?

You know the signs, you can feel it in your gut. If they stop making eye contact, are suddenly distracted by e-mail or begin tapping their iPhone while in your midst, then you probably have just lost them. Word to the wise, if you have something important to say at work, know that

management just wants you to get to the point a la the bottom line.

Why is this so essential for your career? Listen in on some of the work conversations of those in leadership positions at your organization. Ever notice how they master the art of storytelling as we discussed here but cleverly know how to turn it OFF as well, in different situations?

5 reasons to truncate and get to the point:

  1. It shows a great respect for management’s time. Putting yourself in their shoes, in today’s fast-paced business culture, you can appreciate this.
  2. It crystallizes your end game. What do you want from them before you leave the room?  Their support, their action, a decision to be made? Say it straight and throw it out there up front. People get and respect that.
  3. What’s in it for them? or better said: Why should they give you their time? Your “short and sweet” speech should give them something they can also benefit from or next time they may not be so generous with their time.
  4. It makes you memorable. Speaking in 1-2-3 bullets or what we refer to as Bullet Speak in our programming, sets you apart from the crowd and shows you’re on a prepared mission. No one wants to be pegged with a reputation of being the long-winded one.
  5. ***This is key: speaking to management in brief bits as if they are already your peers sets the stage for demonstrating you are confidently ready to handle a new leadership position. ***

Sometimes it is all about talking the talk leading you straight to opportunity in your shoes.

With love and lots of gutsiness,

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