From our Linkedin community! This was one of the many responses received on my last video regarding hanging out with your manager. I only discussed hanging with your manager but Carol (quoted below) talks about how she actually gets places hanging out with those outside her department. So very essential as well.

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[quote]”Assuming you have a reasonable relationship with your manager and coworkers, I would actually recommend hanging out more with those outside your immediate department. I’ve found there tends to be casual chat even in meetings, so if you’re friendly and open you tend to get to know those you work with directly quite well without too much “hanging out”. The value is in extending those relationships to those you don’t work directly with, that way you have an extended network and if you need help outside the department you can use your contacts to find the person you need. I work in IT, but hang out more with those in accounting, administration and the hands-on business (in my case construction) side of things, makes life more interesting as you get a different prospective, I can find out how my department is seen by those who need it, and when we need to ask a business question I can almost always figure out who we need to ask.”   – Carol Walcker