Happy holidays! I hope as the week winds down you are finding your ZEN and taking care of spirit and what she needs. You may consider this a gutsy challenge btw. 🙂

Given the news of more and more stories of women stepping forward from being suppressed and silenced, experiencing fear from others’ perceived power,  I have been approached by the media to discuss the WHY behind programs such as Speaking without Apology and the psychology behind why women don’t speak up. More to come in 2018 on this. Look for our training events calendar in the New Year.

As you may know, finding your voice has been my personal mission since our beginning here at In Our Shoes. It’s supporting women to step up and advocate for themselves in the workplace regardless of industry.  It’s finding your voice to be crystal clear on what you do as a professional so there is absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind of the value you bring. But it’s also finding your voice, so others feel your strength and do not attempt to cross any boundaries in any situation. You create a force field of energy that others cannot breakthrough. You become untouchable regardless of position or how high or low on the totem pole you are.

As we celebrate the holidays and enter into the New Year, I’d like you to set an intention of finding your voice wherever you are experiencing a difficult or challenging situation in your life.

I am making that a call to action. If you have a personal or professional story you wish to share where you have found your voice, for consideration on this platform (first name only if you wish), we want to hear hear from you. Submissions will also be considered for publication in my upcoming book. Big or small, we want to hear how you did it and what fear you had to kick to curb. Your story can be the answer to someone’s prayers.

You can send an email to info@inrshoes.com with Subject “sharing my story” and our team will be back in touch with you right away.

I am wishing you a beautiful peaceful holiday with lots of gutsy energy to propel you into 2018. Stay tuned.

With guts and grace, your mentor and coach…

>>Tuscany, Italy awaits. Joining us in June 2018? We meet in Rome airport and whisk ourselves away to abundance in the heart of Italy. 

>>Earn recurring income, become a Gutsy Leader Ambassador!

Would you like to invite a Gutsy Leadership program into your organization? Looking for an external resource to keep you on track  with your career goals?


“How successful you are, is based on how included you make people feel in the room. It’s our core human need for love and acceptance.”