
That’s right you heard me, get ready to slip into the failure shoes, because that’s the only way you’re going anywhere when on your A-game. There’s a lot of looking good online and even when you’re going about your business at the workplace. You smile a lot. You nod. You put your head down and do your thing because you have been doing it forever and (yes) you do it well. .


While this may have served you well all of these years, when pursuing a career that you really love, you know that unless you trip up every once in a while, you will never learn what to do right.

You can surround yourself with the best mentors in the business, but you still have to embrace failure. They’re not going to hold your hand.

Still with me? Awesome. I’d like you to read the following article from our career column which discusses 4 easy breezy steps towards embracing failure and mastering your A-Game – enjoy.

Article =>: 4 Steps to Succeeding at Anything


On Obstacles

Sharing some feedback on career obstacles from women whom I have recently worked with and who felt stuck in their careers. Do their words sound familiar? Trust me I get it and have been there myself. I’m here to remind you that it’s time to change the conversation in your mind and know that these limitations are self-imposed.

No one holds the keys to your career and life except you.

Sharing a short video from a recent Sole Circle event held in London discussing obstacles – enjoy and with love.


“I don’t think you get it, how am I supposed to advance if most people in my company don’t take me seriously?” – Administrative Executive Assistant, New York City


“I can’t move forward in this country because here women don’t support you. They are competitive and will never give me credit even when I’ve done a great job.” – Compliance Advisor, London


“I’ve found that a lot of women within this industry who have achieved a level of seniority are very aggressive. I don’t want to be like this, but it seems that often I have to be, in order to be heard and taken seriously by my colleagues.”-  Financial Analyst, London


“This economy is awful, I feel lucky to have a job. How can I consider trying something new in such an unstable environment? It’s impossible.” –  Media Consultant, New York City


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